Tuearlay, July 22. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Robinson and Co. Rainhill, Lancashire, tar-distillers- Owen and Evans, Southampton, Doctors of Medicine-Appleton and Co. Manchester, commission-agents-Barker and Co. Messina, merchants-Dowlais Iron Company, Guest, Lewis, and Co. and Guest and Co. Merthyr Tydfil, iron-masters-Ritchie and Bond, St. Paul's Churchyard, silk-mercers-Barker and Smith, Bradford, York- shire, stone-masons-Woods and Co. Sunderland, timber-merchants-Allen and Co. Hatton Wall, brass-founders - G. and IL Bibs, Baschurch, Shropshire, millers-Walker and Harker, Manchester, warehousemen-Denston and Castle, Tabernacle Square, brewers-Herring Brothers, Aldersgate Street, druggists-Cooley and Viigley, Nottingham, box-manufacturers-W. and S. Rutter, Nassau Street, Soho, jewellers-T. and P. Middleton, Dover. plumbers-Ogle and Douglas, Sunder- land, cast-iron-founders-Barnet and Heron, Kirkcaldy, ironmongers. BANKRUFTs.-SAMPSON CLAY BEASTALL and WILLIAM TIATHER, High Street, Ken- sington, linen-drapers, to surrender July 28, Aug. 28: solicitors, Ilardwick and Co. Basinghall Street; official assignee, Whitmore, Basinghall Street-SAMVEL Dixox, Leeds, draper, Aug. 1, Sept. 4: solicitors, Sole and Turner, Alderumnbury ; Black- burn, Leeds ; official assignee, Whitmore. Basinghall Street -Anotv HEILBRONN and JOHN IlArtassom, Great St. Helen's, drysalters, Aug. 1, 29: solicitors, Link- 'eters, Charlotte Row, Mansionhouse; Cox, Pinner's Hall; official assignee, Whit- more, Basinghall Street-Jossen MrrarELL, Camden Street, Camden Town, carpen- ter, Aug. 1, 29: solicitor, Turner, Charles Street, City Road; official assignee, Can- nel', Birchin Lane-ZAcirAmAn WARREN, Ardleigh, miller, July 30, Sept. 3: solici- tors, Wire and Child, Swithin's Lane ; Barnes, Colchester; official assignee, Stans- feld, Basinghall Street-GEORGE EDWIN DEELEY, Brunswick Street, Dover Road, iron-founder, July 30, Sept. 3: solicitor, Long, Gray's Inn; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-GEoaGE Krairsom, Clifton, Bedfordshire, pork-butcher, July 30, Sept. 3: solititors, Trinder and Eyre, John Street, Bedford Row ; Austin, Shefford, Bedfordshire ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-JosEen ROYCE, Notting- ham, currier, Aug. 1, 29 : solicitors, Bowley, Nottingham; Ilodgson, Birmingham; official assignee, Bittleston, Nottingham-Tuostas PAINTER, Okehampton, builder, Aug. 6, 26 : solicitors, Stogdon, Exeter; Fryer, St. Thomas's, Exeter; official assig- nee, Ilirtzel, Exeter-SYDENHAM VINCENT BURGE, Taunton, saddler, Aug. 6, 2n: solicitors, Moodland jun. Taunton ; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hirtzel, Exeter-Witt...1Am and FRANCIS PASHLEY, Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers, Aug. 9, 30: solicitor, Fernell, Sheffield; official assignee, Freeman, Sheffield-WiLeann 3100NEY and TUOMAS WILSON, Liverpool, corn-merchants, July 31, Aug. 28: solici- tor, Daly. Liverpool; official assignee, Turner, Liverpool-Gonoost Jon James GRANT, Liverpool, tobacco-broker, July 31, Aug. 23: solicitors, Wadeson and Co. London; Lace and Co. Liverpool: official assignee, Bird,„ Liverpool - THOMAS Baowx, Sunderland, shipowner, July 31, Aug. 26: solicitors, Crosby and Compton, Church Court, Old Jewry; Hoyle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Moore, Sunderland ; official assignee, Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. DIVIDENDS.-Aug.. 12, Hills, Downham, Isle of Ely, grocer-Aug. 14, Jones, Llanelly, Brecouslure, coal-merchant-Aug. 15, Roberts, Liverpool, timber-merchant -Aug. 15, P. and A. Black, Liverpool, general brokers-Aug. 15, Roope, Liverpool, wine-merchant-Aug. 15, Horrocks, Liverpool, coal-merchant-Aug. 12. Forster and Dodgson. Liverpool, merchants-Aug,. 21, Jones jun. and Oakes, Kingswinford, iron-masters-Aug. 21, Butler, Lichfield, ironmonger. CERTIFICATES.- 7b be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting.-Aug. 13, Devey, Woburn, auctioneer-Aug. 13, Jones, East Ilsley, Berk- shire, surgeon-Aug. 13, Granville, Red Lion Square, agricultural-implcment-maker -Aug. 12, Burrows, Park Street, Islington, surgeon-Aug. 12, Quartermaine, Eaton Mews West, horse-dealer-Aug. 21. Moore jun. South Hylton, Durham, merchant. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Astle and Sons, Coleman Street, bookbinders ; first div. of 2s. fid. a first div. of 3s. on the separate estate of M. Astle, and a first dir. of 4s. on the separate estate of G. Astle, any Tuesday; Nichol- son, Basinghall Street-Ende, Strood, woolstapler; first div. of 2s. any Tues- day; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Green jun. Brighton, ironmonger; first div. of 2d. any Tuesday; Nicholson, Basinghall Street-Reynolds, Great Marlborough Street, money-scrisener; second and final div. of Id. July 24. and two subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Macnin, Finsbury Circus, merchant; final die. of 7-15d. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street- Sardinson and Co. Wood Street, warehousemen; final div. of 2/d. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Gamauf, Fetter Lane, furrier; final div. of 7-12d. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Ileyliger, Tottenham Court Road, silversmith ; second div. of Is. 3d. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Stephens, Old Broad Street, bill-broker ; fourth div. of lid. July 24, and two subsequent Thurs- days; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Solomon, Strand, tailor; third div, of id. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays ; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-Gadsden, Boughton Mill, Northampton, miller ; first div. of 2s. 131d. July 24, and two subsequent Thursdays; Stansfeld, Basinghall Street -Reav, Walker, Northumberland, ship- builder; second and final div. of id. in addition tofld. previously declared, July 26, and any subsequent Saturday; Baker, Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Searen Srster.sraATIox.-Taylor and Cameron, Edinburgh, fieshers, July 30, Aug. 20.
Friday, July 25.
PARTNERSHIPS DISSoLTED.-Porter and Todd, Coach and Horse Lane, II ornsey,
stone-ansons-Bircumshaw and Co. Nottingham, lace-manufaeturets-Boden and Co. Manchester, agents for the sale of yarns and calicoes ; as far as regards T. Hod- gin-Hodgin and Co. Manchester, agents for the sale of yarns and calico-Wearing and Knowles, Manchester, tailors-Jackson and Co. Altrincham, Cheshire, millers- Cowman and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, machine-makers; as far as regards J. Cow- man-W. and G. H. Gater, Southampton, millers-Barlow and Co.; as far as re- gards C. J. Wollaston-Phillips and Elliott, Brooke Street, Holborn, carvers-Mit- ton and Bentley, Halifax, brokers-Desgratoulet and Forster, Tachbrook Street, Pimlico, builders-Bowers and Co. Liverpool, railway-contractors-Newman and Hulme, Bristol, engineers-Chicken and Stewart, Russell Street, Blackwell, en- gineers-Lambert and Ridley, St. Mary-at-Hill, coal-factors---J. B. and J. G. Tay- lor, Liverpool, ship-brokers-Gammon and Son, Birmingham, glass-manufacturers- F. and J. Mattock, Manchester, provision-dealers-Bell and Co. Washington Col- liery, Durham; as far as regards W. Croudace-J. and F. Worger, Dover, grocers- Lawrence and Simpson, Coventry, maltsters.
BANKRUPTCY ANNULLED.-WILLTAm BCDDLE, Irongate Wharf, Paddiugton, tim- ber-merchant.
RANIERI:PM-HENRY 'ARKS Ems, Rotherhithe Wall, ironmonger, to surrender Aug. 6, Sept. 3: solicitor, Carpenter, Old Broad Street; official assignee, Stens- feld-TuomAs HA.mmoan, Conduit Street, Westbourne Terrace, boot-maker, Aug. 1, Sept. 3: solicitor, Hartley, Southampton Street, Bloomsbury ; official assignee, Gra- ham -Josses' A MANSON, Kirby 5loorside,draper,Aug. 15, Sept. 5: solicitors, Shackles and Son, Hull; official assignee, Young, Leeds-WILLIAM BENJAMIN RICHARDS, Westbromwich, grocer, Aug. 9,26: solicitors, Holland, Westbromwich; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, %%dm Birmingham-ROBERT BEW, Selby, Yorkshire, grocer, Aug. 15, Sept. 5: solicitors, and Parker, Selby ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds, official assignee, Young, Leeds-TnomAs IatAm and VINCENT WANOSTROCUT WANOSTROCHT, Liverpool, brokers, Aug. 7, Sept. 5: solicitors, Sharp and Co. Lon- don; Miller and Peel, Liverpool ; official assignee, Bird, Liverpool-Jones Nuasutma BATESON, Rochdale, cotton-spinner, Aug. 5, 26: solicitors, Harper, Bury ; Bennett, Manchester; official assignee, Lee. Manchester. DITIDENDS-Aug. 15, Jones, Newchurch, Isle of Wight, apothecary-Aug. 15, Green, Leadenhall Street, merchant-Aug. 15, Grayson, Mortlake, market-gardener —Aug. 15, Copland, Park Place, Paddington-Aug. 20, Powlesland, South Tawton, Devonshire, dealer in seeds.
CERTIFICATES.- To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of meeting. -Aug. 15, Rodbard, Croydon, schoolmaster-Aug. 21, Scale, Neath, iron- manufacturer-Aug. 15, Edwards, Leeds, hosier-Aug. 26, Robinson, Tynemouth, banker-Aug. 26, J. and J. Scott, North Shields, shipowners-Aug. 21, Pearson, P= St. Mary, Devonshire, merchant. SentnisTaArroms.-Carswell, Greenock, ship-builder, July 31, Aug. 21- Grant, Glasgow, manufacturer, July 31, Aug. 22.