26 JULY 1856, Page 10


The Gazette of Tuesday announced that the Queen had appointed the Earl Granville to be her Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary to the Emperor of All the Russians, on the occasion of his Imperial Majesty's Coronation.

The same Gazette stated that the Queen has given orders for the ap- pointment of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Thomas Denison, Knight, R.E., Captain-General and Governor-in-chief in and over the Colony of New South Wales, and of Rear-Admiral Charles Elliott, Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over the Island of Trinidad, to be Ordinary Members of the Civil Division of the Second Class or Knights Com- manders of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath. Her Majesty has directed letters patent to be passed under the Great Seal, granting the dignity of a Baronet of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland to Sir Alan Napier Macnab, of Dundurn, in the county of Wentworth, Canada West, and to the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten.

The Duke of Cambridge, Commander-in-chief, has appointed the fol- lowing officers to be his Aides-de-camp-Colonel C. 'I.yrwhitt, unat- tached; Lieutenant-Colonel Lord W. H. Burgher* C.B., Coldstream Guards; Lieutenant-Colonel the Honourable J. W. B. Macdonald, C.B., unattached ; Major T. H. Clifton, unattached; and Lieutenant-Colonel G. Ashley Maude, C.B., Royal Artillery. His Royal Highness has also appointed Major-General Sir C. Yorke, K.C.B., Thirty-third (Duke of Wellington's) Regiment, to be his Military Secretary.

The Ministerial white-bait dinner took place, at Greenwich, on Saturday. There were present-Viscount Palmerston, the Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Argyll, the Marquis of Breadalbaire, Lord Stanley of Alderley Lord Shel- burne, the Earl of Mulgrave, Viscount Monck, Lord Ernest Bruce, Vis- count Duncan, Lord Panmure, Lord Alfred Paget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Vernon Smith, Mr. Baines, Mr. Labouchere, Mr. Hayter, Sir Benjamin Hall, Mr. W. Cowper, Mr. Robert Lowe, the Lord Advocate, the Attorney-General, the Solicitor-General, the Attorney-General for Ire- land, Mr. W. N. Massey, Mr. J. Ball, Mr. H. D. Seymour, and Mr. R. W. Grey.

The Speaker gave his annual dinner to the clerks and officers of the House of Commons on Wednesday. The guests were-Lord Charles Russell, Sir Denis Le Merchant, the Honourable George Waldegrave, Mr. Dyson, Cap- tain Gosset Mr. F. Gander, Mr. Rickards, Mr. Lefroy, Mr. May, Mr. H. J

Ley, Mr. ones, Mr. Gudge, Mr. I. Rose, Mr. Pole, Mr. Frere, Mr. S. Smith, Mr. Gibbons, Mr. Rowland, Mr. George Gunnell, Mr. Postlethwaite, Mr. Gray, Colonel Forester, and Mr. Varden.

The officers of the Fusilier Guards held a banquet at the London Tavern on Monday ; the Duke of Cambridge in the chair. The Duke and Duchess of Wellington gave a grand dinner on Monday to the Duchess and Princess Mary of Cambridge ; followed by a concert by Italian artistes, Mr. Costa presiding at the pianoforte. The Marquis of Normanby left Parma for Mantua on the 10th instant. The King of Prussia is enjoying himself at the baths of Marienbad, highly delighted to escape from court ceremonies and party conflicts. The Queen is at Toplitz. The Princess Marguerite of Saxony has been betrothed to the Archduke Charles Louis, second brother of the Emperor of Austria.

The Lords of the Admiralty visited Sheerness Dockyard on Monday, for an official inspection. The soldiers of the Foreign Legion have been removed from Aldershot to the camp at Colchester. Large numbers of soldiers from the East were landed at Portsmouth on Monday, and upwards of 6000 were sent inland by railway. Extraordinary bustle and gayety have prevailed in the town.

Each new arrival from the principal Australian Colonies tells of a con- tinual increase of prosperity. For the first three months of 1856, Victoria exported gold at the rate of 12,000,0001. a year : in 1855 the export for the three months was at the rate of little more than half this. At the last advices trade was active, and the demand for labour great : the arrivals of immigrants were 320 weekly, while a supply of 1000 weekly was required. The wages of domestic servants had still an upward tendency. A telegraphic convention between Piedmont and Austria has been agreed upon. A portion of the Naples and Palermo electric telegraph line has been opened ; the whole is expected to be completed in six months. The first vessel from Odessa, (a Russian,) laden with wheat, has arrived at Marseilles.

The St. Petersburg Northern Bee states that in the Government of Perm strata of coal have been discovered, and that their working has been al- ready commenced by private persons. The greater part of the electric telegraph cable lost off Cape Breton has been recovered, after the underwriters had paid a large sum for it as a total loss, at the same time renouncing all claim to the cable.

Result of the Registrar-General's return of mortality in the Metropolis

for the week ending on Saturday last. Ten Weeks Week

of 1846-'55. of 1836.- Zymotic Diseases 324.0 .... 273 Dropsy, Cancer, and other Diseases of uncertain or variable seat 44.7

Tubercular Diseases 198.8

Diseases of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, Nerves, and Senses 106.7


Diseases of the Heart and Blood-vessels



Diseases of the Lungs, and of the other Organs of Respiration..., 91.3

Diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and other Organs of Digestion 63.4

Diseases of the Kidneys, de. 13.6

Childbirth, Diseases of the Uterus, Sc 8.9

Itheunudilm, Diseases of the Bones, Joint., &c


Diseases of the Skin, Cellular Tissue, Sc 2.0

Malformations 3.7

Premature Birth



Atrophy 31.9

Age 33.6

Sudden 6.0

Violence, Privation, Cold, and Intemperance 24.6 ,... 45

Total (including unspecified causes) ..... ..... ...... ...,. 1,0;1. a l,Ola

Letter-sorters from London have been instructing the clerks in the large post-offices in the North of England in a new method of sorting letters for London into districts, London being now divided into tan sections for post- office purposes. The Chancellor of the Exchequer has received half-notes for 4001. from "X. Y. Z." on account of Income-tax.

Beware of American securities. The notorious Schuyler fraudulently issued some 400,0001. of stock certificates of the New Haven Railway ; these documents were all regular in regard to signatures and so forth ; but the shareholders refused to recognize them. The holders applied to a court of law ; and a jury decided that the documents having been issued by the proper officer, the company must indemnify the innocent holders. The company appealed to the New York Court of Appeals ; and that court has reversed the verdict, on the extraordinary ground that the company having already issued their legal amount of capital, could not legalize the over- issue ; and consequently, that, the certificates being void under all dream- stances, no one could claim damages for a refusal to recognize them. Under these circumstances, the parties interested intend to carry the case before the Supreme Court at Washington. The Times contrasts the• proceedings of the New Haven Company with our own Royal Swedish Railway : no shareholder in the English company attempted krther to wrong those who had become possessors of shares over-issued by John Sadleir, but all were placed on the same level.

Colonel Misinoff, formerly Commander of the Orenburg corps, has been convicted of embezzlement and falsifying his accounts, whereby he obtained money at the expense of the soldiers, whose rations were reduced. The Emperor of Russia has confirmed the sentence of the Court-martial—that Minnoff shall forfeit his rank, his orders, and his nobility, and serve in the Cossack ranks as a private soldier.