26 JULY 1884, Page 25

Slavonic Literature. By W. R. Morfill, M.A. (S.P.C.K.)—The four chief

sub-divisions of this subject are the literatures (in their early development, it mast be understood,) of Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, and Bohemia. All are interesting, but the second, perhaps, supplies the best theme. There is something more picturesque and romantic about the Bulgarian ballads—an element which, indeed, it is not difficult to reconcile with the antecedents and history of the people. The story of "The Janissary and the Fair Dragana," and the fare- well of Liben, the bandit, to the woods, are of unusual merit. Mr. Morfill is a master of his subject, and we commend his manual to our readers as giving an admirable sketch of it.