26 JULY 1935, Page 1


THE centres' of news in regard to the Italian-Abys- sinian dispute have shifted in the last few days between Addis Ababa, Rome, Tokyo, Paris and London. The Emperor 'of Abyssinia a week age n4de the dignified and spirited speech in his Parliament House which has evoked bitter denunciation in Rome, a minor but sig- nificant sequel being the refusal of the Italian Minister in Addis Ababa to attend the birthday celebrations of the Emperor'. Italian military preparations are being pressed on, and the Italian army in East Africa is reaching formidable dimensions. In the meantime the British and the French Governments are considering what can be done. The Conciliation Commission having broken down, the next step lies with the Council of the League of Nations which, whether Italy is Willing to state her case against Abyssinia or not, will have to pursue the procedure laid down by the Covenant. The Council will meet next week. In the interval efforts are still being made by the British Government to find a basis of discussion between the French and British Ambassadors at Rome and the Italian Foreign Office—but only on the understanding that force is ruled out and that Abyssinian sovereignty remains intact.