HONG KONG Sm,—Mr. George Edinger says that in Hong Kong
last October 'the Green Howards fired on the popu- lation.' This is balderdash.
The Green Howards, along with other units of the garrison, were called in on October 11 to help deal with the riots that had started on the previous day (the 'Double Tenth'). On that day and the three following they provided cordons and helped to en- force the curfew. During that time they did not fire a single shot. There was some firing by the police on, I believe, October 10. Whether any other mili- tary units opened fire I do not know, but a total of forty-odd killed by small arms fire in a large-scale riot does not suggest much shooting. I do know that the Green Howards did not discharge one round.
As for what the well-dressed Chinese Communist sentry is wearing—if it matters—when I was at Lo Wu in March the order was soft caps and shoes. —Yours faithfully, MEREDITH WHITTAKER Mercury Office, Scarborough