26 JULY 1975, Page 4

Drugs and myths

Sir: Thank you for publishing Melmoth Grant's article 'Education Without the Myths.' Such an island of sanity daring to show its nose above the waves of nonsense and sensational hysteria generated on the ocean of a misinformed (and therefore misinforming) public media must be a welcome sight to. millions of shipwrecked drugtakers.

Unfortunately though, such wisdorn will go unnoticed; 'drugs' (exclusive, of course, of caffeine, nicotine and alcohol) will still be a dirty word, and thousands of our young people will still fall victim to a law, of which the punishment does more harm than the 'crime.'

Against the current background of massive inflation, etc, this must seem a mere trifle of an issue, but it nevertheless reflects a sorry state in world-re' vered British justice when the onlY people really qualified to advise and educate the lawmakers are the law' breaking drugtakers themselves. N° one else knows what it's all about.

Thank God that my own experiences have left me in a position to teach roY children the truth about drugs. Steve Hill

8 Shorncliffe Road, Folkestone, Kent