26 JUNE 1830, Page 7

Palmer, Esq. were put in nomination. A poll was demanded

on behalf of two other candidates ; who have, however, denied that they autho- rized any one to do so. Mr. Hunt was present, and harangued with great bitterness on the scandalous corruption of the City administration. Mr. Dixon called him a blackguard ; and Hunt returned the compliment, avith an invitation to Mr. Dixon to meet him next day as a blackguard or a gentleman. A duel would be something new for Henry ! Mr. Dixon, however, demurred to the invitation. Mr. Hunt objected to the election of Aleconners ; but his objection was overruled. He was more successful with the auditors, who were appointed agreeably to his recom- mendation.

The polling for Sheriffs went on yesterday ; and at the close of the day, the numbers were—Flight, 166; Martin, 103; Palmer, 14. The citizens seemed disposed to elect Mr. Martin against his will. At the close of yesterday's poll he addressed the Livery, begging most earnestly to decline the honour which is to be thus thrust upon him.

CITY Ac coma Ts.—The total receipts during the year 1828, including the balance at the previous audit, and 46,000/. borrowed to complete

Farringdon Market, amounted to 174,962/. 8s. • the total disbursements, including 31,000/, transferred to the New Market Fund, amounted to 173,976/. 17s. 6d.; leaving a balance of 985/. 10s. 6d. The receipts from the Bridge-house funds, for the same year, amounted to 34,2561., and the disbursements on account of the new bridge to 30,936/. The salary and other emoluments of the Mayor amounted to 11,0091.! only 9 per cent, on the total revenue of the City ! The other salaries are not particu- larized, but they are said to be very great. The property of the City is let on very reasonable terms,-600 houses in Albemarle Street and the streets adjoining which bring many of them 500/. a year to their owners, give the City only 3,500/. a year altogether. The leases are perpetual. The total debts of the City in 1828 amounted to about 1,700,0001., in- cluding the million for completing the approaches to London Bridge. The whole document from which these facts are taken is curious, but it is much too long to give in detail.

EAST INDIA COMPANY.—At a Quarterly General Court of Pro- prietors held on Wednesday, a dividend of 51 per cent. was declared on the Company's Stock for the half year ending on the 5th of July. THE NEW HUNGERFORD MansEr.—A meeting of Shareholders was held on Tuesday, at the Crown and Anchor ; Charles Lefevre, Esq.

in the chair. He stated that the Bill had been passed, which consti- tuted the Shareholders a corporate body, and that the interests of all were legally secured. The capital was limited to 210,0001., three-fourths of which were already subscribed. The meeting broke up, after the Shareholders had expressed their satisfaction at the report from the Directors.

THAMES TUNNEL COMPANY■A General Meeting of Proprietors of shares in the Thames Tunnel was held on Tuesday at the City of London Tavern ; Mr. W. Smith, M.P., in the chair. "Various ways of completing the undertaking were submitted ; but they were all consi

dered as ineligible, and the meeting separated, after a great deal of dis- vussion, which ended .in nothing. Sir Edward Codrington proposed a petition to Parliament, for aid in the undertaking, as the Duke of Wellington had distinctly said that no aid could be expected from Go- vernment; but the meeting did not concur in the proposal.