Mr. O'Connell has backed out of his scrape in Dublin
as he best could. He had to deal with two awkward circumstances—the repulse of his electioneering advances to the Marquis of Kildare, who has re- fused to be his colleague; and the slight put upon Mr. Hutton. At a meeting of electors, on Thursday, he expressed regret that the electors should have been misled into calling upon the Marquis-
" He could assure them that he had the most perfect reason to be thoroughly convinced that it uas the wish of the family of the Marquis of Kildare that be should stand: that was communicated to him in much stronger terms than had as yet been avowed before the public."
Then as to the slighted Member-
" Mr. Hutton had been their representative during the late Parliament; in Iltat capacity he had done nothing to forfeit the good-will of his fellow. citizens ; he had been an honest, faithful, and diligent representative. He did not know arty man better calculated to do the business of a commercial city than Mr. Hutton was in every respect. • • * He was undoubtedly passed slightingly by, though be had done nothing to forfeit public confidence ; and then a question arose—whether they had not some reparation to make hire."
So Mr. O'Connell moved a report, proposing that the candidates for the city should be Mr. Hutton and Daniel 0:Connell. Mr. Peter Purcell and Mr. Ignatius Callaghan both rose to second the motion : the latter, who had refused to be of Lord Kildare's committee, at once increased his subscription towards the expenses of the election from 50/. to 1001; several others raised theirs from 20/. or so to 501.; and many more among the delighted meeting doubled theirs.
[Had the Whigs and their friends in Dublin left plain John Campbell alone and stuck to plain Robert Hutton, instead of looking for Mar- quises, they would have been safer.]