26 JUNE 1841, Page 2

Zbe Varlianunt.

There is little to recount in the proceedings of the Parliament daring the few last hours of its existence, before it was dissolved on Tuesday. NEW DEST'RUCTIVE POWER FOR WAR.

In the House of Commons, on Monday, Mr. WAKLEY returned to the subject of Mr. Warner's explosive projectile. He complained that the inventor had been treated with slights and unnecessary delay by the Admiralty— So long ago as 1830, Bing William the Fourth had referred the investigation t Admiral Keates, who was afterwards assisted by Admiral Hardy ; and Itali- ans communications were made to the Treasury. When Sir James Graham came into office, he submitted the subject to a Board, the chairman of which was Admiral Stopford ; but the inquiry was broken off by Sir Robert Stop- ford's departure for the Mediterranean. There it rested till 1838, when Mr. Warner brought the matter under the notice of Viscount Melbourne ; who was desirous of referring it to a Board. To this Mr. Warner objected, on account of the publicity which would be given to his invention ; an objection which had previously been raised by Admiral Stopford. It was then referred to Lieu- tenant Webster, who was directed to make his report to the Admiralty ; Vis- count Melbourne having concurred in Lieutenant Webster's appointment. The Lords of the Admiralty did not think it worth their while to notice the communication of the First Lord of the Treasury, or to forward the report of Lieutenant Webster.

Mr. Wakley read the report of Mr. Webster ; who declared that Mr. Warner's projects would vest the absolute sovereignty of the seas in the hands of the first power that should adopt it— "I am fully convinced (said Mr. Webster) that it is utterly impossible for any thing that floats to resist them for a single moment, either at close quarters or at any given distance, even to a range of five or six miles. The strongest fortifications in Europe could not withstand these extraordinary powers for a single hour. In river-ways and against stockades, as in India, the largest armies would be annihilated without a chance of escape ; and the most difficult mountain-passes would be utterly untenable against their operation. The country would thus be rendered impregnable, for one hundred sail of the line would be useless against a single vessel so constructed ; and whenever it should be necessary to call this power into action, its effects could be attained by a trifling expense, and at the shortest notice. I submit, however, to your Lordship, that the invention should lie dormant until a case of emergency, and that the secret should be confined to the projector, the Crown, and your Lordship's own breast : not a whisper of its existence should be suffered to get abroad."

Mr. Warner, observed Mr. Wakley-, was not to be treated as an en- thusiast because of the startling powers ascribed to his invention : a short time ago a man would have been pronounced mad who said that a vessel could sail from England to America in eleven days, or that he could breakfast in Manchester, dine in London, and deliver a speech in the House of Commons, all in the same day. Mr. Warner had been offered 300,000/. for his discovery by a Foreign Government ; and though Mr. Wakley was convinced that three times that sum would not make him do any thing to injure his native country, there ought not to be the temptation to resist. Mr. Wakley moved for certain cor- respondence on the subject.

Sir GEORGE SINCLAIR seconded the motion.

Lord Joira RUSSELL wished the House not to agree to it until they heard the explanation of those professionally acquainted with the sub- ject. He had understood that Lieutenant Webster was regarded as the friend of Mr. Warner; and that when Lord Melbourne referred the matter to Admiral Parker, some difference arose as to the propriety of Mr. Warner's communicating the means by which he produced the alleged effects. Certainly some explanation ought to be given which would satisfy the House and the country.

Viscount INGESTRE thought that the treatment of Mr. Warner by Government would have a great effect on the elections. Mr. William COWPER said that the difference between the Admi- ralty and Captain Warner regarded the number of persons to whom the secret should be intrusted, and who they should be : the Master-General of the Ordnance had offered to refer the matter to a committee of Engineers and other officers; but that offer was declined by Captain 'Warner, Mr. WAKLEY withdrew the motion, with an intimation that he, or- some one else, would most likely again bring the subject forward next session.


THE ENCOUNTER BAY MURDERS. On Monday, Mr. HINDLEY called attention to a petition from the Society for the Protection of the Abo- rigines, which complained of the execution of two natives of South Australia on a charge of murder, without a fair trial. He wished to know whether any steps had been taken on the subject by the Colonial Department ? Lord Josue RUSSELL was understood to say that the men had been tried; and that there was a Protector of Aborigines in the colony, who would of course take cognisance of the affair. Mr. HINDLEY asked of what use was a Protector of Aborigines, with a salary of 400/. a year, if such scenes were suffered to pass with impunity ?

BANISH CLAIMS. The Queen's reply to the Address of the House was reported on Monday : the Queen will be ready to give effect to the wishes of the House, whenever the means shall have been provided by Parliament.

Carsrmar, JUSTICE BILL. On the third reading of this bill in the House of Lords, on Monday, the Earl of Wivrox again pro- posed that the borough of Manchester should be exempted from its operation' because it awarded no compensation for loss to the gentle- man who had for many years acted as Clerk to the Magistrates. The LORD CHANCELLOR and the Marquis of NORMANDY opposed the amend- ment; which was supported by the Duke of WELLINGTON, Lord BROUGHAM, and Lord LYNDHURST. On a division, the amendment was carried, by 70 to 36 WATER FOR THE METROPOLIS. On Monday, the Marquis of WEST- 3IINSTER gave notice that next session he would move for a Select Com- mittee to inquire into the best mode of supplying the Metropolis with pure water.

The Rover. ASSENT was given by commission, on Monday, to the Sugar-duties Bill, the Assessed Taxes Compositions Bill, Ecclesiastical Commissions Bill, Court of Chancery Bill, Copyhold and Customary Tenures Bill, Metropolis Improvements Bill, Municipal Corporations Bill, and to several others, chiefly railway and other local and private bills, in all 148; the largest number to which the Royal assent has been given at any one time within the memory of the officers of Par- liament.


The Parliament was prorogued by the Queen in person, on Tuesday, in the House of Lords.

The House was crowded with Peers and Peeresses ; the latter bril- liantly attired ; the Peers in their robes of state. The Dukes of Sus- sex and Cambridge, and nearly every Peer in town, was in his place. Prince George of Cambridge was in the House ; and the attendance of the Corps Diplomatique was a very full one. Among the absentees were the Duke of Wellington, Lord Lyndhurst, and Lord Brougham. At two o'clock, a flourish of trumpets announced the arrival of the

Queen. The Peers and Peeresses immediately rose, and remained standing until the Queen had taken her seat on the Throne and desired their Lordships to be seated. The Lord Chancellor, by the Queen's command, directed the Usher of the Black Rod to summon the House of Commons. "During the pause that preceded the appearance of the Commons," says the Morning Post, "the Queen chatted and laughed with Lord Melbourne, and amused herself en name temps with recalling some air her Majesty had probably heard at her last visit to the Opera, by beating it with her fingers on one of the arms of the throne."

In a few minutes, the Commons, represented by the Speaker and a number of Members, appeared at the bar ; when the See.Aurn addressed the Queen as follows-

" Most Gracious Sovereign, we, your Majesty's faithful Commons, approach your Majesty with sentiments of unfeigned devotion and loyalty. It has been our most anxious desire, in granting the supplies for the present year, to place at the disposal of your Majesty the means by which the naval and military establishments of the country might be placed in a state of complete efficiency ; and we entertain a strong conviction that by thus enabling your Majesty to maintain the honour of the Crown and to protect the just rights and interests of the people, we have adopted a course which, under the favour of Divine Pro- vidence, will insure both to this country and to the rest of Europe a continu- ance of the blessings of peace. We now tender to your Majesty an act to apply certain sums of money for the service of the year 1841, and to appropriate the supplies granted in this session of Parliament ; to which, in all humility, we pray your Majesty's gracious assent." The Queen having given assent to the Appropriation and some other bills, in a clear and distinct tone of voice read the following Speech- " Mv Lords and Gentlemen—On a full consideration of the present state of public -affairs, I have come to the determination of proroguing this Parliament, with a view to its immediate dissolution.

"The paramount importance of the trade and industry of the country, and my anxiety that the exigencies of the public service be provided for in the manner least burdensome to the community, have induced me to resort to the means which the constitution has intrusted to me of ascertaining the sense of my people upon matters which so deeply concern their welfare. "I entertain the hope that the progress of public business may be facilitated, and that divisions injurious to the cause of steady policy and useful legislation may be removed by the authority of a new Parliament, which I shall direct to be summoned without delay. "Gentlemen of the House of Commons—I thank you for the readiness with which you have voted the Bums necessary for the civil and military establish- ments.

"My Lords and Gentlemen—In the exercise of my prerogative I can have no other object than that of securing the rights and promoting the interests of my subjects ; and I rely on the cooperation of my Parliament and the loyal zeal of my people for support in the adoption of such measures as are necessary to maintain that high station among the nations of the world which it has pleased Divine Providence to assign to this country."

The LORD CHANCELLOR then declared Parliament prorogued to Tuesday the 29th of June ; and the Queen left the House in the same state as when she entered.

BY THE QUEEN. A PROCLAMATION FOR DISSOLVING THE PRESENT PARLIAMENT AND DECLARING THE CALLING OF ANOTHER. "Victoria R.—Whereas we have thought fit, by and with the advice of our Privy Council, to dissolve this present Parliament, which stands prorogued to Tuesday the 29th day of this instant June, we do for that end publish this

our Royal proclamation, and do hereby dissolve the said Parliament accord- ingly; and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Com- mons, are discharged from their meeting and attendance on the said Tuesday the 29th day of this instant Jane. And we being desirous and resolved, as soon as may be to meet our people, and to have their advice in Parliament, do hereby mike known to all our loving subjects our Royal will and pleasure to call a new Parliament ; and do hereby further declare, that, with the advice of our Privy Council, we have given order that our Chancellor of that part of our United Kingdom called Great Britain, and our Chancellor of Ireland, do respectively, upon notice thereof, forthwith issue out writs in due form and according to law, for calling a new Parliament ; and we do hereby also, by this our Royal proclamation under our Great Seal of our United Kingdom, require writs forthwith to be issued accordingly by our said Chancellors respectively, for causing the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons who are to serve in the said Parliament, to be duly returned to and give their attendance in our said Parliament: which writs are to be returnable on Thursday the 19th day of August next. "Given at our Court at Buckingham Palace, this 23t1 tlay June in the year of our Lord 1841, and in the fifth year of our reign. God save the Queen!"

This was followed by the usual proclamation for the election of sixteen Representative Peers for Scotland; the election to take place at Holyrood House on the 5th August.