On the 211 inst.. in Belgrave Street, the Countess of POMERET, of a daughter.
On the 23d inst., in Wilton Crescent, Viscountess CHELSEA. of a son.
On the 19th inst., at Upper Grosvenor Street, Viscountess Fourzsroxs. of a son, and heir.
On the 19th inst., at Westbrook, the Lady GEORGTANA RYDER. of a daughter. On the 18th inst.. at Clayton Rectory, near Brighton, the Lady of the Rev. James Gomm, of a daughter.
On the 19th inst., the Lady of II R. UPCHER. Esq., of Sheringham Hall, Norfolk, of
a son.
On the 21st inst., in Guernsey. the Lady of Captain If mreEr. R.N., of a son. On the 22d inst., at Haling, Croydon, Mrs. WILLIAM BAINES, of twin daughters.
On the 24th inst., at St. Mary's. Marylebone, ROBERT RISING, Esq., of Worcester, to MARY, eldest daughter of Thomas Hawkes, Esq., of Cumberland Street, Portman Square, M.P. for Dudley. Os the 14th lust.. in St. George's Church, Dublin, HENRY LEADER, Esq.. son of the late Nicholas Philpot Leader, Esq.. M.P., of Dromagh Castle. Cork, to MARIA, only child' of J. B. Miller, Esq., of Mountjoy Square. Dublin, one of her Majesty's Counsel.
On the 221 inst.. at St. Marylebone Church, Joint GREGORY M•Kieor, Esq., of Birkwood. Lanark, to AUGUSTA, eldest daughter of the late Captain Bradshaw, Royal Navy.
On the 15th inst.. at Windiwalls, Roxburglishire, WILLIAM Sam, Esq.. Professor of Mathematics, Royal Military College, to MARIA Amiss, only surviving daughter of the late Major-General David Walker.
On the 23d inst., at Southampton, the Rev. Ihmace Nieman Rim Rector of South Hill with Callington, Cornwall, to Estimr BEATRICE, youngest daughter of Rear-Ad- miral Noir.
On the 14th inst., at the British Embassy at Paris, Captain Auottsras S. HAWKINS; Eighth Regiment Bombay Native Infantry, to Esruza ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of
R. Armstroug. Esq.. of Tours.
On the 19th inst., at the Catholic Chapel, Soho Square, and afterwards rd Maryle- bone Church, Le Commundenr Luiz CANDIDO DE JAVARES OZORIO, Of COVRIIR, in Portugal, to JANE Arm, eldest daughter of Joseph Andrew Lautour, Esq., of Heaton House. Hertfordshire.
On the 8th inst.. the Rey. W. R. Evates, youngest son of the Rev. W. Evans, Rector of Kingston& Herefordshire, to MARIANNE. only child of J. M. Sanders, Esq.,of Rather House, Stratford. upon-Avon, Warwickshire.
On the let inst., at Teddington Church, Joins GEORGE RAMSDEM, Esq., of Norfolk Street, Park Lane, to SARAH, eldest daughter of the late William Jones Burdett, Esq., of Stowey. Somerset, and Copt Hall, Twickenham.
On the 20th inst.. at Sidmouth Cottage, Moffat, the Right Hon. Lady MARY BECK- WITH, Widow of Sir Thomas Sidney Beckwith, K.C. B., eldest daughter of the late Sir William Douglas, of Kelhead. Bart., and sister of the Marquis of Queensberry. On the 16th inst.. at Radford Villa, Leamington, MARIA, Widow of the late Thomas Langford Brooke. Esq., of Mere Hall, Cheshire. eldest slaughter of the late Sir Thomas Broughton, Bart., of Doddiugton Park. in the same county. On the 19th inst.. at Ibbotson's Hotel, Vere Street, Cavendish Square, JOHN Enos, Esq., of Rollesby Hall, in the county of Norfolk, in his 67th year. On the 20th inst.. the Rev. JAMES HARGREAVES, Rector of Handsworth, in the county of Stafford, in his 83d year. On the 7th inst.. at his residence in Jedburgh, WILT.IAM RoTRERToRn. Esq., Sheriff- Clerk for the county of Roxburgh. which Office he fulfilled for nearly thirty years. On the 20th inst., at Shoeburyness Coast Guard Station, Lieut. SYDNEY Kato. R.N. In March. supposed to have been lost on his passage from America to England in the President steam-ship, Wir.i.rem Fizzonts WYREHAM MARTIN, Esq.. youngest son of the late Fiennes Wykeham Martin. Esq., of Leeds Castle, Kent. in his 24th year. On the 19th inst., at St. Lawrence Vale. Jersey, MARY Hartancrrz, youngest daughter of Sir William Jackson Hooker, K.H., of West Park, Kew, Surrey, in her 15th year. On the 12th inst., at Dundee, Mr. ROBERT MILLAR, late merchant there, in his 80th year. On the 17th inst., Mrs. GODWIN, Widow of William Godwin, Esq., Author of "Political Justice," in her 75th year.