The fluctuation of Consols has not exceeded fwrr cent; the price having re- ceded to that extent during the week, viz. from 884 to 884: but the market has recovered again, and, after reaching 884, closes today at the same quotations as those of Saturday. The rate of interest continues the same: money is obtainable upon loans for short periods at from 4 to 5 per cent., while the rate of commercial discount continues at 5 per cent. Some sales of Exchequer Bills were effected both yesterday and today; and the premium has been depressed about 3s. Upon the whole, the transactions of the week in the English Stock Market have been of a very limited range; and though at its commencement some influential sales were effected, the operations of the last few days have been unimportant. The same remarks may be applied to the Foreign Market: almost the only business has been a few bargains in Portuguese Stock; which, though rather firmer a few days ago, is today lower since the arrival of the Lisbon mail with intelligence of the prolonged existence of the revolt. The decline in price has not exceeded 1 per cent; but with the change in the market all hopes of arrange- ment for the payment of the July dividend within any short period seem to have vanished. Spanish Bonds also are lower, in absence of anything like business. The other Foreign Bonds were heavy when the decline in Consols occurred; but they have recovered again, and are today nearly at the quotations of last week.
The Railway Share Market has been affected in the same way. The high prices of last week induced a disposition to sell; and stock was generally offered on Monday and Tuesday, without, however, any disposition on the part of the holders to press sales. A destine then occurred, varying from about 108. to 21.
per share, according to the importance and magnitude of the undertaking." An upward movement has since taken place, and the prices today are generally the same or slightly in advance of those of last week. The arrangement determined on with respect to the Ceylon Railway has ceased a slight movement .in the shares of that undertaking, which from par have risen to a premium of about 5s.. The French Shares are without any material business; except those of the. Northern of France, in which some rather large transactions have occurred; the result of which has 'been to establish the closing quotations about 15s. below those of last week.
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending Saturday last show an increase in the following items—in the rest, 13,5591.; in the public deposits, 565,6711.; in the securities, 93,9421.; in the unissued notes, 289,7101.; and in the notes issued, 39,6501. There is also a similar increase in the amount of bullion in store in the issue department; the increase under this head in the Banking Department being 114,0961. The total increase in the amount of bullion in both departments is, therefore, 143,7461. The items under which a decrease is remarked, are the private deposits, 67,6701.; seven day and other bills, '27,6551.; Government securities, 4,9531.
The English Stock Market is lively in the absence of important business. Con- sols for Account opened at 884; the price next reached 884, and is now 885 5. Exchequer Bills are rather lower; the premium being 6s. to 9s. No business of consequencehas occurred in the Foreign Market: the quotations remain the same. Railway Shares are firm: the following are the principal bargains: Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 174; Eastern Counties, York Extension, 7; Great Northern, 25; Brighton, 555; London and North-western, Quarter-shares, L. and B., 245; Ditto, New Shares, 13; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B., 71; South- western, 67; Ditto, New Consolidated Eighths, 49; Midland, New, 424 5; New- castle and Berwick, 74 4; North Staffordshire, 104; Reading, Guildford, and Reigate, 55; South Staffordshire. 4 dis.; South-eastern and Dover, 374 .4; Wind- sor, Staines, and South-western, 25; York and Newcastle, 38 375; Ditto, New, 17; York and North Midland, Preference, 16; North of France, 115 4.
SATURDAY, Two o'CLocx.
An influential sale of 50,0001. Consols was effected in the course of the morning, followed by others of minor importance; and the effect of these simultaneous operations depressed the market. from 885 to 884. At two o'clock, (the usual time for closing on Saturday,) the price was 884 4; but business was continued after that hour, and the morning's quotation of 885 a was again established. The business in the Foreign Market has been confined to the following bargains:. Brazilian 84; Chilian, 92; Portuguese Four per Cents, 32; Small Bonds, 321. Spanish Stock has been more largely dealt in than usual; and we have to record the occurrence of bargains in almost every variety,—viz. Active, 22; Passive, 44; Deferred, 145; Spanish Three per Cents, 344 5. We have also to notice a bar- gain in French Three per Cent Rentes, at 77.875, with an exchange of 25.50. The Railway Shares are firm; but the transactions of the day do not call for any remark: Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 15; Birmingham and Oxford Junction, 175 4; Caledonian, 305 5 4; Ditto, Half-shares, 24; Eastern Counties, 204 5; Ditto, York Extension, 7 65; Great North of England, 2364; Great Western, Quarter-shares, 174; Ditto, New, 85; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 555 5; London and North-Western, 183; Ditto, 401. Shares, M. and B.; 71; London and South-western, 67 64; Midland, 1265 6 8; Newcastle and Berwick, 295 9; Nor- folk, 1265 ; North British, 324 3; Northern and Eastern, 58; North Staffordshire, 105 5; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhanipton, 145; 'York and Newcastle, 38; York and North Midland, 865 7; Ditto, East and West Riding Extension 225 3; Boulogne and Amiens, 165 16; Luxembourg, 15 5; Northern of France, 115 4 11; Sambre and Meuse, 74.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account shut 881 1 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 24 per Cents 84 6 584 3 per Cent Reduced 881 ii Ditto 4 per Cents 894 90 34 per Cents 904 4 Mexican 5 per Cents 1840... 20 Long Annuities .. 9 4
New Grenada 191 20 Bank Stock 195 64 Ditto 4 per Cents 1845
Exchequer MIDI
6 9 prom. Peruvian 36 8 India Stock shut Russian 5 per Cents 110 112 Brazilian 5 per Cents 83 5 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 224 Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 344 5 Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent.... 37 9 Venezuela 38 40
Chillan 6 per Cents
91 3