26 JUNE 1847, Page 14


" FOO L. is _known-by his much laughter." What.the Hauaaof. Commons • is,to: be known for we- cannot. say, but certainly' it laughs at very odd little things. Any straw will tickle•it,. Come., menting on the maladroitness of-Mr. Newdegate's "count-out," last week, Mr-Thomas Dtmcombe-said-that the•sooner-the Coun- try party went tethecountry the better:. Thiejingleienoteven_ a pun.: ilut the House laughed. Again,- this week, a veryiontt petition is presented from Cornwall against reduction of the cop,: per-duties : the petition, being so long, also numerously signed,, was . written on_ very. large .parchment when ,.tha roll was. unT. folded Members. laughed. At what 1,,—Beeause-it ,was.suchathiga, piece of. parchment 1 Now:it is a pity that any ex.ponentof thestata of...the Ammo: mind should_be wasted; and, this. -exponent might, be turnisk to very practical.account. On. all. notable occasions:, let - liana: be taken of the:Members •wha laugh, . as with the divisions or with the Members preseet-at a "count-out" Constituencies- would be supplied -with an additional test ffir ascertaining; by the ring-of the laugh, the metal of-which-their Members are made. Itneeds not be said that -care- should 'be taken to discriminate between those who:laugh at. what is witty and those who laugh at big parchmenta;- or, else a.. very. dangerous_ power-would, be.put into the hand. of the. Bullers, Charles or. Edward,. the Osbornes,. the Stafford O'Briens, and other sportive gentry.