26 JUNE 1847, Page 21



per Oent Consols

Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced 3} per Cents Long Annuities

Bank Stock, 7 per Cent

India Stock, 10} Exchequer Bills, Id. per diem India Bonds, 3} per Cent

Prices.) ?Yell,,• Eden.

— 881 1:18 In 9 196}

9 8 Thews.


Satusd. (Closing Monday.

shut 681ex d. la 9 shut

10 pm.

— 86 88


— 196}


68:1 BO 9} --


4 pm.

889 901

195} 881 as



(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) LaAlabama (Sterling) 6 p. Ct- uri= 8 —

BeDitigitoan —

4 —


6 Buenos Ayres 4-Chili= 6

Danish 3 — _ 103 el 84 92 84} Massachusetts (Sterling)...8 p.Ct Mexican .... ... ........ 6 — Michigan a — Mississippi (Sterling) 11 Neapolitan 5 —

New York (1838) .... 6 —

Ohlo 6 Pennsylvania 4 -

Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) ...24 -

Peruvian .... ....... 6 -

Ditto 4 -

Portuguese 8 -

French 3 -

Ditto 8 - Ditto 6 - Russian .................8 - 1104 Indiana (Sterling) 6 —

Spanish 8 —

Illinois 6 — Ditto 3 —


Kentucky — —

Ditto (Passive)

Louisiana (Sterling) 6 — — Ditto (Deferred)

Maryland (Sterling) 6 —

— Venezuela Active


during the Week ending Friday Evening.) BA/Me-

an Australasian 2011 British North American Colonial

2324 Commercial of London — London and Westminster

105 London Joint Stock

699 National of Ireland

644 National Provincial 7} Provincial of Ireland 180 Union of Australia 102} Union of London 125} Mums- 29 Bolanos 311 Brazilian Imperial — Ditto (St. John Del Rey) 37} Cobre Copper 87 Mucettse zoos- 381 Australian Agricultural ..

83i Canada General Steam

130 Peninsular and Oriental Steam

104 Royal Mail Steam 86} South Australian


Au Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and 8th Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ceding on Saturday the 19th day of June 1817.

ISSUE DEPARTMENT • £23,832,671 Government Debt ...... £11,015,100 Other Securities 2,984,000 Gold Coin and Bullion 8,183.576 Silver Bullion 1,440,000 423,632,675 BANKING DEPARTMENT.

Government Securities, (in- cluding Dead Weightd.tuniityl L11,708,258 Other Securities 17,047,411 Notes 6,664455 Gold and Silver Coin 870,022 £36,199.648 436,199,646

• Including Exchequer, Savings Banks.Commissionersof NationalDebt& Dividend Accounts.


Per ton.

Foreign Oold In Bars, Standard ... £3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes MB 0 0 .. 0

0 0

Foreign Gold in Coin,PortugalPleces 0 0 0

Den, British Bars . 9

10 .. 0

0 0

New Dollars 0 4 91 Lead, British Pig .... 19 15 0 .. 0

0 0

Silver in Bars, Standard .. . • . 0 4 113 Steel, English 0 0 0 ..

0 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, June 23.


Per Qr. (Imperial) of England and Wales. For the present Week.

Wheat ...93s. 96. Rye 69e. 841. Wheat Os. Od. Rye Oa thl

Barley..... 111 0 Beans 57 11 Barley 0 0 Beans 0 0

Oats .. .... 34 6 Peas 58 10 Oats 0 0 Peas 0 0

Weekly Averages for the Week ending June 19. Wheat, 91s. 7d.—Barley, 52a. 1d.—Oats, 21.. 96.—Rye,7S5.Ild.—Neans,873.541.—Peas,5113.1011.


Kent Pockets ... 90s. to 100s. York Reds per ton.880s. to 4024.

Choice ditto 100 — 120 Scotch Reds 0 — 0 Sussex Pockets 84 — 90 Devote 0 — 0

Flneditto 0 — 0 Kent and Essex Whites. 0 — 0 RAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 36 Trusses.)

Conceal...no. Seiznrizto.

Hay, Good 70*. to 77s 45s. to 74r. .

inferior 66 — e5 0 — 0

New .. ..... .... 46 — 83 0 — 0 0 — 0

Clover 88 — 116 86 — 85 .. 80 — 95 Wheat Straw 32 — 26 20 — 34 .... ...... 20 — 32 PROVISIONS.

Butter—Best Fresh, 12s. Od. per doz.

Carlow, 01. Oa. to Oa Os. per cwt.

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 78s.— 62s.

Cheese, Cheshire . 82 78

Derby Plain 80 — es Hams, York. ,..- 70 — 44


Eggs, French, per 120, .0d. to 7 04.


BUTCHERS' San Lizoxemt.• 4. a d. s. d. s.


inzarnizo.• Hese or Carves

s. 4. a. d. Seszariszia


Beef... 4 2 to 4 4 to 4 10

.. .. 3 tO 4 8 to 6 4 Friday. Monday.

Mutton 4 4— 4 10 — 5

4 4


0 — 5 8

Beasts. 1,013

3,181 Veal... 3 8 — 4 4 — 6

0 4 —4 6 — 5 2 Sheep. 11,420 22,350 Pork .. 4 Iamb.. 6 0 — 6 0 — 5 4 — 6 8 — 0 4 0 4 5

—4 —e

8-5 2 8-0 0 Calves. 517

. 210



• To sink the offal, per 8 lb.

OMB, COALS, CANDLES. Rape 011 per cwt. £1 las 0.I.

Refined I 13 0

Limed Oil 1 8 0

Unwed 011-Cake pee 1000 0 0 0 Candi.. per dosen,as.0‘. to Oa 04 Means (N. peados. dlos000t) n. OA 00114,HeNOIA lel. ed. Tom las M. t. 8.

Wheat,R New 80 to 82 Fine 81-86 Old 76-80

White 84-88

Fine 80 —92 Super. New 91-38

Rye 80-63

Barley 38-40

Malting 48 —50

Malt, Ord 78-82 Fine 0 — 0 Peas, Hog 52-51 Maple 58 to 68

White 60 — 51

Boilers 54 —IS Beans, Ticks 48 —50

Old.... 52 — 64

Harrow 52 —04 Oats, Feed. 27 Wee

1,1110. 29— 30 Poland .. 31 —33

Fine. 33 —35 Potato .. 39 —40

Fine. 40 —41

(Last Official Quotation

RAILIVATIt- Edinburgh and Glasgow

Eastern Counties Great Northern

Great North of England

Great Western. .

Hull and Selby Lancaster and Carlisle London Brighton and South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-western Manchester and Leeds Midland Newcastle and Berwick North British Northern and Eastern South-eastern and Dover South-western

York and Newcastle .

York and North Midland DOCKS— East and West India

London St. Katherine

21 261




Notes issued

413,632,676 Proprietors' Capital Rest Public Deposits* Other Deposits Seven Day and other Bills .... £14,563,000 3,064,026 9,258,290 8,160,161 773,870 WmascespaL.

Us. to 72*.

0 0


Town-made per sack 75s. to 78s.

Seconds 70 — 76 Essex and Suffolk .on board ship 85 — 68 Norfolk and Stockton 60 — 86 Bran per quarter 0 — 0 Pollard,ane 0 — 0 Bread, 841. to lid. the 41b. loaf.

GROCERIES. Tea. Bohea, fine, per lb. Os. M. to 01. 44

Congou, fine 1 5 — o Sonchong, line 1 3 — I 4 • In Bond—Duty 2s 14. perm. Coffee, fine (121 hood) per Cwt SOS. to 12014 OIL Good Ordinary 54.. to 1114

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt — ffila lad.

Well India Molasses....... 170. ft to /49.