[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Stn,—With reference to Sir W. Beach Thomas's notes in your issue of June 19th, on the supply of material for nest building, I thought it would be of interest to you and him to know about pigeons nesting in a large Engineering Workshop in Glasgow.
A great number of pigeons frequent this workshop and one has just built its nest in a corner of the wall near the roof inside a large machine shop. The nest is entirely made of copper and steel turnings got from the floor of the Flop. The nest now contains two eggs in process of incubation. There is much noise of whirring belts and pulleys, the grinding, turning and slotting of metals, pneumatic drills, &e., but the pigeon, having been •reared here, evidently wishes to hatch
out her offspring in the only conditions she has known.— Yours truly, W. M. AIKMAN, Chief Clerk. London Midland and Scottish Railway Company, Chief Mechanical Engineer's Department,
St. Rollo.r, Glasgow.