Writing in Public
This Week did a splendid piece on a modern attitude to the Welfare State, based on Enoch Powell's article in the Spectator. In my prejudiced view, Powell ran rings round Professor Peter Townsend, and (again in my prejudiced view) Robert Kee was an excellent chairman. Townsend kept insisting that some mysterious point of principle was involved, but I found it hard to see' what it was. Certainly it isn't easy (although Tri- bune did its best) to portray as a hard-faced policy
the suggestion that we should make much better provision for those in real need. I have only one complaint to make to Jeremy Isaacs, the pro- ducer. It was quite an achievement to get through the discussion without mentioning the Spectator. The nearest we got was Robert Kee's introduction: `Mr. Powell, you have been writing recently in—er—public . .