26 JUNE 2004, Page 26

You keep Europe

From Mark Tinney Sir: Peter Oborne (Politics, 12 June) describes Ukip as a 'rackety collection of conmen, perjurers, convicted criminals and semi-racists'. This must be a different party from the one to which I belong. I am not a conman and have never been convicted of perjury or criminal activity. As to 'semi-racist', I do not know what he means by that. History teaches anyone who cares to study it that societies are strained and damaged by the presence of large groups whose culture, religion, language and values are fundamentally different from those of the host society. To observe that is mere common sense — apparently in short supply among those who govern us.

The Ukip I know is filled with ordinary people who want the chance to elect those who make the laws by which they live. So long as we stay in the EU, that will be impossible. Therefore we want to leave. Of course the Establishment is aghast at the size of the Ukip vote and is reacting as expected — if you cannot fault the message, attack the messenger. Insult us as much as you like, Mr (Thome. It will make no difference to our determination to live again in a free, independent, sovereign state.

Mark Tinncy

Laxfield. Suffolk