We have been compelled this week to sacrifice li g hter matters
to the Great Subject of all men's thoughts. We shall not be called on to make a similar sacrifice for many weeks to come. We entreat especially our fair friends' forbearance ; Reform has been a sad bore to them.
We must remind our advertising friends that we cannot insure the insertion of any Advertisements received after noon on Friday. Several Advertisements have reached us this morning, which we are compelled to postpone.
Complaints of the non-delivery of the SPECTATOR every now and then reach us from the Country ; but of late, during the debates on Parliamentary Reform, they have been very numerous. We learn that an investigation is in progress at the General Post Office to detect the cause of the non-arrival (we are afraid, in some cases the wilful abstraction) of Newspapers sent by post. To facilitate such investigation, we recommend our subscribers to write to Sir Fitaxcis FREELINO, in each instance, that lie may direct his attention to the precise channel of transmission, and in the discovery of one instance, be enabled to trace others. It is of no use whatever to write to us on the subject, as our surveillance ceases when the weekly impression is handed over to the Newsmen.