Loss OF TILE THE TIS.—The court-martial on the surviving officers
has terminated. Captain Burgess has been condemned to lose one year's rank, and Master Gowdie two years' rank. The Court thought, that, considering the state Of the weather, bah these officers were much to blame in relying so confidently on the dead reckoning. [It is very commonly asserted that the temperature immediately off Cape Frio is decidedly lower than at a few leagues' distance. Was this fact attended to by the officers of the Thetis, or is the account of voyagers incorrect ?] Love AND. IllansrEss.—A young man, a wheelwright, was tried at Exeter on Monday, for cutting and maiming a rather plans young woman, whom he Was courting,.but who • repulsed his addresses, because of her steady and repeated refusal to marry him. The Jury disagreed about their verdict ; some of them believing the prisoner to be insane, and others that he was sane. The foreman—one of the honest clods of the valley, to which the wisdom of the law leaves the solutions of its mysteries, coolly proposed that he should be permitted to withdraw, and another, of more persuasible materials, be substituted. When this proposal was rejected, and the Jury was about to retire, the prisoner, taking advan- tage of the confusion, drew a knife from his pocket, and attempted to cut his throat. He fell on the floor, and the knife was immediately taken from him, and it was ascertained that the wound was only a slight one. He was then removed from Court to the gaol infirmary. The audience did not appear to regain their self-possession during the rest of the day. Mr. Justice Taunton was so much affected that he was obliged to retire for a short time from Court. FAMILY HoNouas.---At Bury St. Edmund's, on Tuesday, .an old decrepit man, aged seventy-seven, was tried for slaying one of his com- panions, in the workhouse at Monk's Soham, With a bal./161)E' - He was convicted, and sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment. It appeared that these two creatures disputed very fiercely on the antiquity of their families; the prisoner insisting that his was more ancient than that of the deceased, whilst the latter, in his turn, maintained the superior an. tiquity of, his line of ancestry ! Strange as it may appear, this was the origin of their disagreerrient; which terminated in loss of life. The woman who sliperintended the paupers in the workhouse heard their quarrel ; and on going up stairs, she observed the prisoner secreting his bill-hook Under his bed. ' The decedsed Was 'sitting on his own bed, moaning piteously, and holding Isis left leg, the knee of which was cut deep into the bone, which was protruding through. She questioned the prisoner on the subject, and the only answer she could draw from him was, " I only wish his d—d old throat had been there instead !" The old wretch was brought into court in a chair, looking very feeble, but as fiircehs a tom-cat withal. • FORGERY.—A Mrs. Colonel Armstrong has been charged, by her hus- band, heti:4.e the Police Magistrates of Dublin, with forgery. The forgery was the affiXing the name of her husband as accepter to a bill drawn on was the by a Mrs. Margaret Conolly. Conolly is described as a mere instru- ment in the hands of Mrs. Armstrong, who is said to have dabbled in the bill trade to a considerable extent. In the application to the Henry Street Magistrates, the offence of Mrs. Colonel Armstroing•Was described as Involving the penalty of death. The informations against Comity, who was admitted to bail on condition of appearing against Mrs. Arm- strong, were lodged by Colonel Armstrong and Mr. Perrin the banker. TIIB BFPUNAb GREEN Mertnert.—Wewere in error in saying Dexter Was•discharged. 'The Coroner's inquest did not implicate him ; but he has been detained by the police: The case was gone into, at Lambeth Street, on Monday and Wednesday, and comes on for hearing again to- day. There has been no new evidence as yet.