WAR-OFFICE, March 22.-2nd Regt. of Life Guards : Lieut. Hon. C. F. Berkeley tothe Capt. by purchasse, vice J. N. Read, who retires; Sub.-Lieut. F. fit Martin to be Lieut. by purchase. viceBerkeley—Royal Regt. of Horse Guards: W. C. Nether. coat, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice Hanmer, promoted-4th Regt. of Drug. Guards: Surg. J. B. Flanagan. from the 76th Foot, to be Sure. vice Webster, de- ceased-20th Regt. of Foot: Lieut. R. G. Johnston, from the half-pay of the 66t1a Foot, to be Lieut. vice Saunders, appointed to the Royal Newfound. Vet. Comp.— 22nd Foot: Cant. J. L. Penefather to be Major, by purchase, vice Crasser, promoted; Brev.-Maj. J. Jessop, from the half-pay of the 60th Foot, to be Capt. vice Penefather —60th Foot : Assist: Surg. R. Swift, from the half-pay of the 5th Garrison Battalion,. to be Assist.-Surg. vice Smith, promoted-75th Foot : Lieut. J. Tyner, from the ball-pay of the 6th Foot, to be Lieut. vice R. Preston, who exchanges-76th Foot r Assist.-Surg. P. Smith, from the 60th Foot. to be Surg. vice Flanagan, appointed to the 4th Dragoon Guards-92nd Foot : Ens. A. Gerard to be Lieut. by purchase, vice M'Murdo, promoted ; P. M'Leod Pettey, Gent. to be Ens. by purchase, vice Gerard-1st West India ;Regt. : Lieut. A. Waddell, from the half-pay of the 2nd Royal Veteran Battalion, to be Lieut. vice Middleton, whose appointment has not taken place ; Ens. and Adj. L. Smith O'Conner to have the rank of Lieut.—Royal Newfoundland Veteran Companies : Lieut. R. Saunders, from 20th Foot, to be Lieut. vice Small, appointed to the 60th Foot,
Unattached—Maj. J. Craster, from the 22nd Foot, to be Lieut.-Col. of Iufantry, - by purchase ; Lieut. A. C. M'alurdo, from the 92nd Foot, to be Capt. of Infantry, by purchase.
Memoranda—Maj.-Gen. Sir It. Travers has been allowed to retire from the service,. by the sale of an Unattached Commission. The dates of the Commissions of the under-mentioned officers, in the 26th Foot, are 18th of July, 1830—Capt. Calder, Lieut. Peirse, Ens. Tulloch. J. Skirrow, Esq. late a Capt. in the 48th Foot, who resigned on the 19th of April, 1826, has been reinstated in his rank.