26 MARCH 1842, Page 20


Tuesday, March 22.


Armstrong and Walton, Greenwich, coal merchants - Batmen and Burgeff. Eastcheap, intwenierchants- Waring and Anderson. Sheffield builders-Hargreaves and Co. Shef- field'aiable-kuife.manufacturers-Hatfield and Co. Cheapsicle, Manchester warehouse- men ; Refer as regards Brown-Carruthers and Mandy, Albany Street, wine-merchants -Eraticke`e-and Bury, Liverpool, engineers-Thornton and Co. Lincoln, slaters-Smith and Bailey. Queen Atreet, Clieapside, wine-merchants-Jordan and Gilbert. Kidder- minster. omnibus proprietors-Emberson and Harris, Curtain Road,ten-dealers-Scott and Bedingtcn junior, Birmingham, brassfounders- Hay and Johnson. Leeds. grocers -S. and .1. Dutton, Liverpool, brokers-J. and J. Howard, Hazelgrove, Cheshire, builders-Roe and Marshall, Wandsworth Road, goldsmiths-Graham and Shuttle- worth. Burnley, ironfounders-Dav4e3 and Toy. Bishopsgate Street Without, general furnishing warehousemen- Greer and Ce. Manchester; as focus regards S. B. Greer- Cooper and Co. Binibery, Cheshire, builder:.


BARKER, FRANCIS junior. Chiswell Street, carman, "Ller•li 22. FILLER, WILLIAM, and GOODINO, WiLLrest SMITH, Osborne Street, Whitechapel, brewers. March 22.

GLAnsrorm, SAMUEL PALMER, Crisp Street. East India Road, shipwright, March 21. BANKRUPTCIES ENLARGED.

CASWALL. CHARLES, Woburn Place, ludgingliousa keeper, to April I. GIPPS, JouN ItImpuert, Howland Street, Tottenham Cum t Road, wine-merchant, April 8, MArosnos. Ecomirm and CORNELIUS CHARLES, Aldgate, drapers, to April 8.

, WARNE, EDsiustri, Lisle Street, carpenter, to April 5.


SBARPLEII, JESSE. Elkillgtl u, Lincolnshire, miller.

STEVENS, JOHN, Limehouse. brickmaker.


ARNOLD, JOSEPH HAYMAN, and WOLLETT. WILLIAM HENRY, C1CMCIIVS Lane, ship. agents, to surrender April 5. May 3; solicitor, Mr. Leigh, George Street, Mansion- house ; official assignee. Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.

BARLOW, JOSEPH, Lichfield, ironmonger. April 6. May 3: solicitors. Mr. Bigg. South- ampton Buildings, Chancery Lane; Mr. Dyott, Lichfield; and Messrs. Huy-emit and Brumley, Sheffield. BILL. RICHARD. Birmingham. japanner, April 1. May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Newton and Ensor, Gray's Inn; and Mr. Baker. Birmingham. BROWNLOW, RICHARD, White Street. Finsbury, silk-dresser, April 2, May 3: solici- tors. Lawrence & Blenkarne. Bucklersbury ; official assignee. Groom. Abchurch Lane. BUCKLEY, Amos. Newton Moor, Cheshire, grocer, April 1. May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; Mr. Higginbottom, Ashton-under Lyue. CANNABEE, WILLum, Camberwell Greeu, bookseller. March 29, May 3: solicitor, Mr. Fra.er, Furnical's Inn; official assignee, Mr. Peunell, Basingliall Street. CHAMBLEE, THOMAS junior, Preston, innkeeper, April 13, May 3: solicitors, Mr. End- erby. Preston ; and Mr. Sharp, Staple Inn. Easy. JOHN. Kingstliorpe, Northamptonshire, carpenter, April 2, May 3: solicitor, Mr. Weller. King's Road, Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Cox and Corser. Daventry. GALS, JAMES and JAMES, Love Lane, Shadwell, rope-makers, April 6, May 3: solici- tors. Messrs. Oliverson and Co. Old Jewry ; official assignee, Gibson, Basinghall Street. GORELEY, JEFFERY DANIEL, Bristol, toymau, April 2. May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Bevan, Bristol; and Messrs. White and Eyre. Bedford Row. KING. EDWARD JOHN. Oxford, artificial teeth manufacturer. March 31, May 3: soli- citors, Mr. Appleby. Aldermanbury ; and Mr. Thompson. Oxford. larri,E, THOMAS. Wakefield. commission-agent, April 2, May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Tinney and Sidebottom, Kingston.upon.Hull. LocKLEv, JOHN, Billiton, painter, April 13. May 3: Messrs. Clarke and Medcalf, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Teece. Shrewsbury. MOR/US, WILLIAM, Saint Clears. Carmarthenshire, general-shopkeeper, April I, May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Jones and Blaxland, Crosby Square; and Mr. Peters, Bristol. NEvILL, JOHN WILLIAM, Bread Street. warehouseman. April I, May 3: solicitor, Mr. Heald. Austinfriars; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore. Basiughall Street.

SANDARS, FRANCIS and CHARLES. Derby. corn-merchants. March 28, May 3: solici- tors, Messrs. Adliugton and Co. Bedfot d Row ; and Mr. Moss, Derby.

STEELE, EDWARD. Manchester, grocer, April 5. May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Norris and Co. Bartlett's Buildings, Holberu; and Mr. Norris. Manchester.

THORNTON, JAMES, Leicester. builder, April 4. May 3: solicitors, Mr. Lawton, Lei. ceder ; and Mr. Taylor. John Street, Bedford Row.

WALKER, THOMAS, Moukwearrnouth Shore. common-brewer, April 1, May 3: solici- tors. Mr. Moss, Cloak Lane; and Mr. Prown, Sunderland.

WARREN, JAMES. Bristol, merchant. April 8. May 3: solicitors, Messrs. White and Eyre, Bedroll Row; and Messrs. Bevan. Bristol.

WOODHEAD, JosEru, Duckmanton, Derbyshire, cattle-dealer, April 1, May 3: solid-

tors. Messrs. Few and Co. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden ; and Mr. Cottingham, Chesterfield, Derbyshire. WEBB, ham, Birmingham, tailor. April 2, May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Crowder and Maynard. Dfaxisiouhouse Place; and Messrs. Ingleby aud Co. Birmingham. DIVIDENDS.

April 12. Viret and Kitching, Ludgate Hill. linendrapers-April 12, Dixon, George Street, Spitalfields, sugar-refiner-April 12, Tullett, Birmingham, hatter-April, Dannittjuntor. Talbot Inn Yard, Southwark. hop-merchant-Apri114. Bugg, Exmouth Street, Clerkenwell, carpenter-April 14. Blotch and Lampert. Brampton. printers- April 14. Dank,. Hatton Garden, carpet-warehouseman-April 12. Stephenson, IL Lombard Street, banker-April 12, Stephenson, R. Lombard Street, banker-April 13, Bohte. Sackville Street, tailor-April 13. Hill junior, St. Mary Axe. merchant- Apri113, Nice, New Windsor, victualler-April 13, Adams, Basinghall Street, woollen. warehouseman -April 16, Thomas and Walford, Fenchurch Street, brokers-April 16, Richardson, Godstone, Surrey, innkeeper-April 16, Rich, Brighton, innkeeper-April 16. Masse% Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, stock-broker-April 13, Redfern, Bir- mingham. gun-maker-April 12, Close, Worcester, glove-manufacturer-April 13. H. and G. D. Carey, Nottingham, hat-manufacturers -April 14, Binder, Moulton, Lin- colnshire, coal-merchant-April 15. Spink. Bridlington, miller-April 26. Eastwood, Halifax, innkeeper-May 3, Gillard, Plymouth, tea-dealer-April 14, Rainey, Spald- ing, innkeeper- April 19, Rodgerson, Hylton Ferry. Durham, ship-builder-April 15, Groves and Beard, Boston, leather-dressers-April 15, M'Ardle, Liverpool, victualler -April 13, Stokes, Dudley. builder. CERTIFICATES

Tube granted,entless cause be shown to the contrary, on &before April 12.

Bryan. Leamington Priors, hutel-proprieta-Chancellor junior. Margate, baker- Canher, Bath. nurseryman- Threlfall. Lancaster. cotton-spinner-Fowkes, Beeston. Nottinghamshire. grocer -Buissou, Brabant Court. Philpot Lane, merchant-Wood, Basinghall Street, Blackwell Hall factor.


BELL, WILLIAM, Greenock. ironmonger, March 29. April 19. IlAmnams. James junior. Stonehouse, victualler, March 28, April 25. HostE. JAMES, Nitshill, quarrier. March 25. April 15.

LEES, WALTER. Glasgow, merchant, March DJ, April 18.

MITCHELL. HELEN. St. Niniaus. Stirlingshire, grocer, March 28. April 18. RUSSELL, DAVID, Uddingstone. Lanarkshire, founder, March 28, April 15. SAUNDERS, THOMAS, Alton. grain-merchant. March 28, April 19. Yoexo, ALEXANDER, Glasgow, wine-merchant, March 24. April 21.

Friday, March 25.


Scott and Henderson. Halifax, Yorkshire, linendrapers-Browu and Tucker. Wood- che.ter, Gloucestershire, clothiers-Thomas arid Miles. Cardiff, Euendrapers -Ball and Martin, Wells, Somersetshire, school-proprietors - Winstanley and Marshall, Man- chester, reed-makers- F. and AL J. C. Clark, Portman Street, Portman Square. house- agents-Day and Hirst, Bradford, Yorkshire, woolstaplers-Scott and Newton, Perci- val Street, Clerkenwell, working-jewellers-Barker and Co. Haytou, Lancashire, cora- mon-brewers-J. R. and T. Horner, Manchester, flour-factors-Moore and Worsfold, Wheatsheaf Yard, Parringdon Street, marble-paper-manufacturers-Ling and Harrison, enemies -T. and B. Shipman. Nottingham, lace-manufacturers- Gifted and Everett. Wells, Somersetshire. grocers-J. and J. Hampson, Stockport, rag-merchants-Smith and Cunliffe, Bedford Mill. Lancashire, corn-millers-Murray and Co. Liverpool, sail. makers; as far as regards R. Linton-Crook and Cotton. Liverpool, earthenware- dealers-J. and N. Meanock, Manchester. fustian-manufacturers.


BOTTUM, WILLIAM PAIN, Tong. Shropshire, =Ester. Morch 24. NETTLETON. WILLIAM JEWELL. Bermondsey. corn dealer. March 24.

RADFORD, Jam Appleby, Westmoreland, draper, March 23. BANKRUPTCY SUPERSEDED.

BERRIMAN, THOMAS, Peckham Grove. builder.


BENNETT, JORN. Manchester, calico-printer, to surrender April 11, May 6: solici- tors. Messrs. Campbell and Witty. Essex Street, Strand; Mr. Fox, Nottingham ; and Messrs. Atkinson and Saunders, Manchester.

CUNARD. Joan, and INGRAM, JAMES, New Broad Street, merchants. April 4, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row: and Harvey and Falcon, Liverpool. DARLmorms, WILLIAM, Liverpool, wine-merchant. April 5, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Vincent and Sherwood. Temple ; and Mr. Fisher, Liverpool. GRAYDON, CHARLES. St. Ann's Place. Limehonse, ship-chandler, April 5, May 6: solicitors. Messrs. Gole and Co. Lime Street Square ; official assignee, 51r. Turquand, Copthall Buildings.

LOWE, PIERS, Buildings. Cheshire, shoemaker. April 6, May .6: solicitors, Messrs.

Adlington and Co. Bedford Row ; and Messrs. Nicholson and Sons, Wiuriogton, Now, DAVID, Stratford Green. Essex, merchant, April 8, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. °Everson and Co. Old Jewry; official assignee, Mr. Alsager, Birehiu Lane. THOMAS, THOMAS, Leiutwardine, Herefordshire, mil'er, April 8, May 6; solicitors, Mr. Rogerson. Norfolk Street, Strand ; and Mr. Collins, Hereford. ToRNER, RICHARD, Manchester, flour-dealer, April 8, May 6; solicitors, Messrs. Bower and Back, Chancery Lane; and Mr. Barratr, Manchester. TURVILL, RICHARD, Kingston- upon-Thames. baker, April 6,May 6 : solicitors, Messrs. Addis and Guy, Great Queen Street, Westminster; official assignee, Mr. Lackiugton, Coleman Street Buildings. WALKER, DEANE SAMUEL, Great St. Helen's, india-rubber-manufacturer, April 5, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Mayhew and Co. Carey Street ; official assignee, Mr. Gra- ham, Basinghall Street.

WzmuLtn, HUGH, Bristol, linendmper, April 9, May 6: solicitors, Mr. Frampton, Gray's Inn ;,-rinci Messrs. Daniel, or Mr. Smith, Bristol.

WOOD, JOHN ALFRED, Bromsgrove. Worcestershire, chemist, April 13, May 6: soli- citor, Mr. Herbert, Staple Inn. Yourso, EDWARD, BiTellillgl00, Kent, blacksmith, April 6. May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Boys and Son, Margate; and Messrs. Egan and Co. Essex Street, Strand. DIVIDENDS.

April 15, J. Steer, Maidstone, tallow-chandler-April 15, E. Burn, St. Helen's Place, merchant-April 15, H. P. Coltherup, Rochester, dyer-April 16, J. Parkin, Fen- church Street. broker-April 16, J. Richardson, Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, vic- tualler-April 15, L.A. Lewis, Fleet Street, bookseller-April 21. M. Spence, Holbeck, Yorkshire, cloth-dresser-April 19. D. Mathews and A. Gardner. Cheltenham, grocers -April 19, W. Bird, Fareham, Hampshire, builder-April 25, W. Michell, Warley. Yorkshire, worsted-spinner-April 16, R. Houston, Kingston-upon-Hull, sawyer- April 18, W. Powell, Birmingham, brasinfounder-April 18, J. James. Ross. grocer- April 19, W. Mason, Heywoud, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-April 20, B. Wall, Great Yarmouth, linendraper.


To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or before .April, /5. Preniice, Rayleigh, Essex, grocer-Gifford, Parson's Green, schoolmistress-Holt, Livesey. Lancashire. grocer- Robertshaw and Rutherford, Oxford Street, hosiers- Wood, Brixton, corn-dealer.


BAIRD, WILLusi, Glasgow, grain-merchant, March 29, April 26. BUCHANAN, WALTER, Buckland Mill, printer. March 31, April 22. DRUMMOND. JOHN. Crieff, grain dealer. March 31, April 28. EDWARD, Eau% Edinburgh, victualler, March 30, April 20. MARTIN. ROBERT, Airdrie. merchant, March 31, April 21. MAXWELL, THOMAS, Glasgow. victualler, March 30, Apri127. MACMILLAN, DosicAN, Glasgow, block-maker, March JO, April 27.

MURDOCH, moan, Forms, biker. April 1. 29. RossELL, JOHN, Glasgow, merchant, March 31, AprIl 23.