LAW Booxe.—Of books bearing on various aspects of the land
question, we may mention:—The Law of Allotments, by F. Hall Hall, M.A. (Longmans), "intended as a handbook for landlords, glebe owners, parish officers, allotment wardens, trustees of charities, and others who let allotments, as well as for the tenants and their advisers."—Registration of Title to Land. By Charles Fortescue Brickdale, B.A. (E. Stanford.)—Mr. Brickdale, who addresses the general public as well as lawyers, reviews previous attempts to deal with the question, and propounds a scheme for solving it by a system which should not cost anything nor be compulsory. The title given by registration would be not indefeasible, but "guaranteed," the guarantee being a subscription mutually defensive against loss, a charge, indeed, on the land, but a charge so much smaller than the conveyancing fees that it would practically be disregarded.