26 MARCH 1898, Page 26

The Eye of later. By William Le Queux. (F. V.

White and Co.)—Our readers should find The Eye of (star interesting material now that we are compaigning in the Soudan. Zafar- Ben-A'ziz, the hero, is a Bedouin in the bodyguard of the Khalifa of Omdurman, the ruler of the Soudan. In an expedi- tion against Sokoto, he is the only survivor of an ambuscade of the Touaregs. A mysterious mark on Zafar connects him with the Princess of Sokoto, who, finding his body amongst the heaps of slain, has him brought to Kano. Thenceforth he devotes himself to the discovery of the Black Hock of the Great Sin, beyond which lies the answer to the puzzle of the mysterious symbol of the double snake. After many adventures he and a faithful dwarf find it, and Zafar discovers great marvels in the unknown land beyond. It is a story of pure adventure and romance, written with rather a full pen, but giving a striking picture of Arab life and fanaticis m, the desert life and the Touaregs, and show- ing at the best Mr. Le Queux's descriptive and imaginative power. The journey to the far-off Rock through the vast forest with its queer inhabitants gives us many a page of fine and vigorous writing. It is evidently the product of care and skill, and should give solid pleasure to those who enjoy a story of pure romance tinged with Oriental colouring and treated in an Oriental style.