26 MARCH 1904, Page 17

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —Here are two, for

what they are worth. Two ladies at a picture exhibition are looking at, say, No. 420, " The Death of King Lear," near to which picture happens to be hanging one of the late Sir E. Landseer's masterpieces. Says one of the ladies to the other, who has the catalogue : " What is No. 420 ? " The other, glancing carelessly at the printed number : " ' There's life in the old dog yet.' Oh, isn't that sweet ? " I was being shown over a show-house at which " Wardens of the Cinque Ports" were a good deal to the fore, when the cicerone told us that "the hoffis was once 'eld by two brothers. I forget the name of the first, but the second was commonly called ' Horsehair.' "—I am, Sir, &c., Ric. 0. ASSHETON.