MOUNT AND MAN. By Lieut.-Colonel M. F. MeTag.. (Country Life.
12s. 6d.) With introduction by Field-Mar. Viscount Allenby and illustrations by Lionel Edwards. II the Grand National being run this week, this new edicior. Colonel McTaggart's Much-discussed " key to better horse ship " comes at an apt moment, for we shall all be able to at the cinema whether or not our 'chase jockeys do sit furs landing over Bechers' Brook. Our impression is that nearly all lean back, but, after all, Grand National fence, something exceptional and arguments based from the stir steeplechase course in the world need not apply to huntic,. hacking. In a new preface, Colonel MeTaggart answeis critics and on the whole makes mince-meat of them. I interesting to learn that an Italian cavalry officer may invented the forward seat in Italy in 1901 : as regards Engla however, the honour is certainly Colonel McTaggart's : Sloan' was, of course, its first great exponent on the ra?eco.: