26 MARCH 1932, Page 28


The Shakespeare Associatiori, whose headquarters are at King's College, Strand, ought to enrol many new members at a guinea a year now that it is offering them for their sub- scription four good and carefully edited facsimiles of mare Elizabethan texts illustratirs, the life and thought of Shakes- peare's England. The first four are A Dialogue Conedning Witches, by George Gifford of Maldon (1593), Skialethcia, satires by E. Guilpin (1598), .4 Health to the Gentlemanly Profession of Serving Men, by " I. M." (1598) and Vieissitudo Rerum, a doleful poem by John Norden the map-maker (1600). All these little books help one to understand the temper of those troubled years. Gifford, the Essex minister, deserves a good word for his sensible attitude towards witch- craft. Dr. G. B. 'Harrison, the honorary secretary og the Association and its literary director, and other experts ,con- tribute useful prefaces to these excellent reprints, whichinay be had by non-members from the Oxford University Press at six shillings.apiece,