SIR, —Your readers may be interested in the following attempt
made by the German Christians to wean orthodox Evangelical believers from the belief implied in the carol Stifle Nadir, Heilige Nacht universally sung at Christmas throughout the Fatherland.
" Stine Nacht, heilige Nacht
Schneeiltickchen fallen sacht, Und urn das Haus streicht spahend der Wind Ob all Buben auch folgstun sind Ganz wit Hitler es will, Ganz wie Hitler es will ! "
For the sake of those who do not read German I suggest a rendering
" Peaceful Night, Holy Night.
Snowflakes fall, soft o'er all, And round the house the wind whistles cold
To spy out if little boys do as they're told, And nothing that Hitler forbids, No nothing that Hitler forbids."
2 Raymond Buildings, Gray's Inn, W.C.r.