A violent debate arose in the French Assembly on Wednesday
evening, upon charges made by M. Considerant against members of the Government: he accused them of conspiring to violate the constitution and destroy the Republic either on the 270, 28th, or 29th instant. He said he had com- municated his " revelations " to the President. M. Pierre Bonaparte told M. Considerant, "he lied" in charging the President of the Republic with conspiring. Ledru-Rollin accused General Changarnier of sending written directions to the army officers to obey no orders from the Assembly if it should declare itself in permanence; and he uttered a personal tirade against President Louis Napoleon : "the same man who committed the puerile folly at Strasbourg, and who after expressing his gratitude to Louis Philippe made the attempt at Boulogne, would be ready for another such act." M. Barrot, he said, was honest but blind. The debate was adjourned, and renewed with similar violence on Thursday.
The latest accounts describe the continuation of the debate, yesterdge to have been more orderly and calm. A remarkable speech by IL de
Fallon.% had operated much on the:Assembly, and on the public, in allaying excitement and alarm.
M. de Kisseleff has presented to the Minister of Foreign Affairs the let- ters which accredit him in the quality of Chargé d'Affaires of Russia to the Republic.
The Journal des Debate of yesterday is assured that the Government has received later despatches from General Oudinot, announcing that an armis- tice has been concluded between him and the Roman Government.
Through several channels we have the news that Buda surrendered to the Hungarians on the 19th instant; and that the Russians have been beaten in a battle of consequence, and thrown back to Cracow from the Hungarian frontier.