The French Funds declined in Paris during Friday, Saturday, and Monday, to the extent of 12 per cent: they have since risen about 5 per cent, making the clear depreciation rather more than 7 per cent. The effect produced by these perturbations upon the price of the English Foods has been comparatively insig- nificant: Consols during the greatest period of depreciation were never more than per cent below the closing price of last week, the lowest quotation having been 90a, and the highest 91*; and they close this afternoon at 91* * for Account, ex- actly the price of last Saturday. Some very considerable business, mostly of a speculative character, has occurred; the operators being brokers acting for or connected with French mercantile houses. The little effect produced by the con- vulsions in Paris upon our own Funds may be taken as a convincing proof of the firmness of the market here, where all the Stock sold by the parties already al- luded to was freely taken. Indeed, in the present state of money, the current rate of interest upon which continues as low as ever, it is quite clear that nothing but a creation of Stock can produce any permanently depressing effect upon prices. The usual notice for the exchange of all Exchequer Bills dated in June 1848 has appeared. These securities will be received at the Exchequer Office, White- hall, in order to their exchange upon and until the 7th June next ; and the new bills will be issued on the 14th June.
In the Foreign Market, the fall of the French Funds has produced a much greater effect than in the English. The Northern European Stocks and Dutch .Bonds were heavy daring the whole week, but were particularly depressed yester- day, in consequence of the arrival of intelligence from Amsterdam of a consider.. able decline having occurred there on Tuesday, occasioned by the downward move- ment in Paris on Monday: Dutch Two-and-a-half and Four per Cents were offered freely at prices from 2 to 2* below those of last week; as were Russian Bonds. But very little actual business occurred, from the almost total absence of buyers. Today, prices generally are rather firmer ; the accounts both from Amsterdam and Paris being more favourable. Mexican Bonds are heavy at prices rather more than 1 per cent below our last report. In addition to the gloom occasioned by Continental politics, the last advices from Mexico note some insurrectionary move- ments in that cOuntry ; which, though perhaps unimportant, have produced an effect from the present state of the Foreign Stack Market. No new dikoveries of spurious Bonds have yet been made by the Agents of the Peruvian Govern- ment; and as more than three-fourths of the whole loan have now been sent in for conversion, there is reason to hope that the full extent of the evil has been ascertained.
The English Share Market has been without material fluctuation or large business: the prices today are nearly the same as last week, though in many cases the quotations are rather lower. The French Shares fell about 2/. per share, and were very heavy; but the reaction in Paris produced a corresponding move- ment here, and today's quotations are about the average, being IL below those of last week, and about 11. above those of the lowest point of depression.
It is reported that an advance of 1* per cent occurred in the French Funds yesterday in Paris; the English Stock Market therefore opened with considerable animation, Consols reaching 91i immediately on the commencement of business. The price has since receded to 91i, and is now 91* The Foreign Funds are generally firmer than yesterday, though at present but few transactions have oc- curred in them. The same remark is applicable to the Railway Shares; in which, however, no bargains of importance are as yet recorded.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced
31 per Cents
Long Annuities
911 f 911 I 991 1 904 f
8 9-161 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Dit4..4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 New Granada 66 8 474 84 741 54 281 164 171 Bank Stock
Portuguese N.4 percents 1843 27 23 Exchequer Bills 43 47 pm. Portuguese Old 1824 75 7 India Stock
Russian 5 per Cents .ex. d1v. 100 3 Brazilian 5 per Cents 77 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 151 161
Belgian 44 per Cents
78 80 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 32 1 Buenos Ayres 35 7 Venezuela • 23 26 Chillan 6 per Cents 90 3
The accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 19th May exhibit, when compared with those of the preceding week, the following results—
Increase. Decrease.
Rest .£1,368
Puhlie Deposits 1,004,160
Other Dep,,sits
£767,029 Seven-clay and other Bills
69,052 Government Securities, including Dead-weight — _ Other Securities
134,971 Notes unissued 297,040 — Admit Circulation;
Notes issued 57,080 — Bullion 43,658
27as week.
Last west Total Bullion in both Departments
14,351,453 14,307,795
Actual Circulation
18,719,800 18,955,560