Although in the Fire and Accident Accounts the net premiums for the past year were somewhat smaller, the report of the Sun Insurance shows Some very satisfactory . results. Moreover, in the Accident department, although the net premiums at £1,460,283 showed a small reduction compared with the previous year, the credit balance, which included net interest of £36,778 transferred to Profit and Loss, was £127,761 against only £90,135 a year ago. In the Marine Account there was an advance both in net-premiums and in the balance carried to- Profit and Loss. The total- interest for the year from the Fire, Accident, Marine and Profit and Loss Accounts was £260,085 compared with £266,809 last year. The balance brought forward from 1931 was 11,081,000, and after paying dividends there remains a balance of £838,634. By the operations of the past year this has been increased to £1,316,000. A siim of £50,000 is now transferred to Pension Fund and £175,000 to a Head Office Premises Account. The directors now declare a further dividend (being the 418th since the foundation of the office) of Is. 5d. per share, less' tax, in addition to the interim dividend of Is. 3d. per share paid last January, and the unappropriated-balance is ' £846,704. The total funds now stand at £7,237,337, with a General Reserve Fund of £1,000,000.