Mr. Partridge's Books
SIR.—NO one but a churl would fail to be delighted with such a review as Mr. Vulliamy's of my Underworld and Here, There and Everywhere. May I, however, comment on several minor points? Many underworld etymologies are almost insoluble ; and if the etymologist cannot convince, he should at least be " dextrous." In the small book, there is not only the ludicrous slip of the pen, " Himmel, hell " for " Himmel, heaven " ; on p. 94, Chinook, chinook should read Siwash, siwash. Four persons read the book ; all of us missed these laughably obvious mistakes. The references to other works by myself spring not from immodesty but from necessity ; and the long study of Edward Lear's and Lewis Carroll's word-formations was written in an attempt to dispel the cloud of error obscuring their very great merit.—I am, Sir, yours gratefully,
15 The Woodlands, Southgate, N.14. ERIC PARTRIDGE.