Bonfire nights
Sir: As part of the study of English local traditions and customs, members of the Institute of Dialect and Folklife Studies of the University of Leeds, and the Survey of English Folklore at University College, London, are collecting information about past and present-day annual bonfire celebrations. Ceremonial annual bonfires appear to be lit at various dates in various parts of the country. Most districts, of course, have a Guy Fawkes bonfire on 5 November, but in some places there seem to be other bonfire nights such as I May or Hallowe'en, and we would like to know about all of them, whether unusual or commonplace.
We would be grateful to your readers for help in this work, in the way of notes on bonfire nights and the method of celebrating them, as done nowa- days, and as remembered from childhood or from hearsay of older times. May we invite letters or postcards to be sent to The Survey of English Folk- lore, Department of English, University College, Gower Street, London, WCI?