Ted Deacon
We had a pleasant and sentimental, if somewhat sad, occasion at The Spectator offices last week, when a farewell dinner was held for Edward Deacon, our retiring circulation manager, who has been with the paper, man and boy, for fifty years — he goes back even beyond the occupation of our Gower Street premises, Various old Spectator hands who knew Deacon came along to pay their respects and join in the festivities, including Bernard Levin, George Hutchinson, and Ian Gilmour, the former owner of the paper. think Ted Deacon enjoyed his party, but I'm not absolutely certain, since he steadfastly remained sober throughout, in order to be capable of driving his retirement present — a new car — home. Ted Deacon is a big, rubi cund, jolly man, with the most kindly of personalities and, even if he was inclined to point to editorial vagaries, we shall notice his absence.