Beating the system
Sir: Charles Moore (Politics, 19 May) errs by inadvertence when he writes: 'Every child must go to school.' Certainly, every child must be educated, but the 1944 Education Act, with far-sighted generosity, al lows a child to receive education by regular attendance at school or otherwise., .There is no room here adequately to criticise schools or the compulsion to attend them. (Why does compulsion benefit children when it can be shown to produce resistance and rebellion in adults?) But it is Worth recording that there are families Whicildh successfully educate their own Children at home, without losing any of the supposed 'benefits', both social and intellectual, of 11 years spent in Shirley Williams's appalling battery-schools. C.R. Shute
7 Ribble Court Garrard Garden's Sutton Coldfield' 'vest Midlands