26 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 12


WAR-OFFICE, Nov. 25.-4th Regiment of Foot : Ensign C. C. Elton, front the 6:11t1 Regt. to be Ens. vice Griffith. promoted-3oth Foot : Paytnaster D. Hay. from the half-pay of the 6th Dragoon Guards. to be Paymaster, vice Wray, deceased-31st Foot Etteau A. Dicksor. to be Lient.vithoutpurchase, vice O'Gorman, deceased ; O'Brienn, Gent. to he Ens. without purchase,vice Dickson, premoted-35th Foot : Serjeaut-Major M'Curdy, to be Quartermaster, vice Bowe, deceased-02th Foot: Lieut. J. Richardson. to be Capt. without purchase, vice Dalrymple, deceased; Ens. H. la Lewis. to be Lieut. without purcLase, vice Richardson ; Lord J. Thynne, to be Ensign hr purchas:, vice Lewis, promoted.-4eth Foot : Ens. R. J. Edmonds, to be Lae:. without purchase. vice Jones, deceased Eesien. H. C. Smithwaite, to be Lieut. e itheut purchase. rice Smith appointed to the 17th Reet. : Ensign W. H. M. Ogilvie, from the 94:h Regt. to be Ens. rice Smithwaite-14th Foot : Lieut. F. Thornbury, to be Car. without purchase, rice Barbauld. deceased; Ensign J. B. Chalk, to be Lieut. vs ...hoot purchase, vice Thornbuay; R. Ps ;:e, Gent. to be Ens.

withe ae, v ,.• Cheer:, promoted-o:th Foot : H. D. 1•acres. Gent. to be Ens'_:. ea. .se Lloyd, who retires-73rd Foot : Ere:. of C O'Connell, ti

be Liee:. .h..se, vice Primrose, deeeased: Gent. Cadet W. L. B..' cr,

from the to he Ensige, rice O'Connell, p: .,..• '

Foot : 2. D. t.- • I, I !elm by vi.:e G.7.. :' .

Cadet T. I. a cha::e. • the hafe .


Mayhe, O::: I Rea:. to be Cart c:

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Hospital F,72::- AssIst..Surz.. , Huthwalte. fr fiDNab, Robe::

Mentor:ludo... :

retire from tl:e :

from the 52r.d.

:er, tl.e Regt. ; .1.- z, be Staff I Foot, has al:, ..
