In a Congregation holden on the 17th Instant, the following Degrees were Conferred:-.11asters of Arts-E. Bengal, Magdalen hall ; T. I). Brown and J. C. Chaytor. eVorcester College. Bachelors of Arts-11. Bunbury, Oriel College, Grand Compounder ; J. H. Dewhurst, 1oreester College ; J. S. Dolby, and C. H. Waling, Lincoln College; J. Brooke, and B. Lowther, Exeter College ; and W. Wayet, Queen's College. Nov. e4.-In a Convocation holden this day, the following degrees were conferred. Masters of.-/rts-Rev. C. Mackenzie, Pembroke ; Rev. H. J. B. Wither, Oriel. Bachelors of Arts-I. G. Overton and E. 0.Trevelyam Corpus; J. T. Mott anti R. R. Dean, Christ Church ; N. J. Merritt' AI,. linIS'elltIOSe; J. Serener, Alban H ull ; W. Dorlaue. Queen's : G. Webster end J. F. D. Mamie e Exeter ; J. P. Pen-
son, Worcester ; Plover, P. S. H. Payne, E. II. Grove.. P. Turner, and H. B. W.
Churton, ; F. ,lour:, E. V. Neale, and J. M. Chanter, Oriel; J. B. Morgan and. J. Osborne, Trinity ; J. Jones. Jesus ; J. Robertson, Pembroke ; E. Penny and d . P. Dunlap, St. John's.
Nov. 24.--T. B. Dickson. Esq., el. A. of F.uunauuel College, is elected a Fellow of that Society upon the foundatiou of Sir. Gillingham.