26 NOVEMBER 1831, Page 22


November 17, 1831.-The First meeting of the Royal Society after the summer vacation was held last Thursday. J. W. LUBBOCK, Esq. V. P. and Treasurer, in the Chair. William Wilkins, Esq. and Griffith Davis, Esq. were admitted Fellows of the Royal Society. Archibald John Stephens, Esq. of Gray's Inn, was proposed as a Candidate for Election.

A paper " on Physical Astronomy," by J. W. Lubbock, Esq. V. P. and

Treasurer of the Royal Society, was read; as also a paper " on the Structure of the Human Placenta, and its Connexion with the Uterus;"

by Robert Lee, M.D. F.R.S. Physician to the British Lying-in Hospital. A long Catalogue of the Books presented to the Society during the Vaca- tion, was read by the Secretary, among which we noticed the following:- Professor Daniell's Introductory Lecture on Chemistry, delivered at the King's College. The successive weekly numbers of the Athenerum and Literary Gazette. On the alleged Decline of Science ; by a Foreigner. An Elementary Treatise on the Angular Calculus ; by Jonathan Dryden. The Ordnance Maps, in continuation of the Trigonometrical Survey, No. 43. On the Increase in the Dripping of Water through Heat ; by Pro - fessor Munke, of Heidelberg. A Treatise on the Comparative Geography of Western Asia, with an Atlas ; by the late'Major Rennell, F.R.S. Table of the Logarithms of Natural Numbers from 1 to 180,000 ; by Charles

Babbage, Esq. F.R.S. A Geological Manual ; by H. F. De la Bache, F.R.S.

An Introduction to the Atomic Theory ; by Charles Dauheny, M.D. F.R.S. On the Circulation of the Blood ; by Marshall Hall, M.D. A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence; by Michael Ryan, M.D. Caesar and the Britons ; by the Rev. H. Barry. Mechanical Perspective ; by Francis Ronalds, Esq. Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables to serve places of Decimals ; by F. R. Hassler. Recent Experimental Researches on Electro-Magnetism and Galvanism ; by Wm. Sturgeon. Materia Hieroglyphica ; first part ; by J. S. Wilkinson- Remarks on the prevailing Storms of the Atlantic Coast; by W. C. Redfield. The Article " Architecture," from the new edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica ; by Wm. Hosking, F.S.A.Archi- tect.

Notice was given from the Chair, that by the new Statutes of the So- ciety, lately enacted, no Elections of Fellows can take place, excepting at the first ordinary meetings in December, February, April, and June.