Three papers were read to the Society-the first entitled "
Facts ad- vanced in Refutation of the opinion that the Female Ornithorhyncus
FS:redo:sus has Mammm;" by Sir Everard Home, Bart., F.R.S.- The se-
cond, " On the Inequality of Long Period in the Motions of the Earth and Venus ;" by George Biddell Airy, Esq., A.M., Piumian Professor of As- tronomy and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge. The third, " Experimental Researches on Electro-Magnetisin ;" by 'Mi- chael Faraday, Esq., F.R.S.
The following Gentlemen were, by ballot, elected Auditors of the Trea- surer's Accounts, viz.-John Bostock, M.D.; S. H. Christie, Esq. ; J. H. Green, Esq.; James Ivory, Esq.; R. S. Murchison, Esq.; George Ren- nie, Esq. The following presents'were announced, viz.-Essay on the Epidemic Cholera of India; by'Reginald Orton, Esq. Observations on Cholera;
by 1'. S. PettigreW, Eaq., Smile Considerations on Forest Trees ;
by John Lindley,'Esq., F.R.S. •Metnoir on the Creation ; by 11;130e-of Montpellier: The 'History of Chieri ; by Lewis Cibrario. Six Diagrams, exhibitinethe Tinies-of 'High kind La* Water at Sheerness; by' J. Lubbock,. Esq., V:PILS-: • The'Second Part of Mr. 1indley's Genera and Species of Orchiclishus Plants. The. 1,!;inths Part' of Mr: Gray's Indian: Zoology. Astronondsche Nachrichten, Ids. 196 to 212.