Business in every department of the Stock Exchange continues dull and inactive, although quotations show a decided improvement all round. Consols opened on Monday at an advance of /upon Saturday's closing prices —961 961, and until this afternoon have been firm with an upward tendency, the highest figure being 961. The improvement on the Paris Bourse, together with the somewhat more conciliating tone of our own press, have had the effect of imparting strength in the English market. A favourable impression was for the time created by the report yesterday of a proposal on the part of the Emperor of the French to the English Government for a mutual disarmament. Today the Funds close with a very heavy appear- ance, attributable to some extensive sales which have been pressed upon the market : no political news is assigned as the cause. Bank Stock, 226 228; Reduced and New Three per Cents, 90 95. Money has been in active demand at about 21 per Cent on Government securities. Indian Lo1an, 1041 1041; Consols for Money, 961 961; and for 6th December, 96 9. In the Foreign Stock Market prices show little or no alteration, with at present no prospect of improvement. Mexican has been stationary, and closes as at last week, 221 221; Buenos Ayres, 81 83; and the Three per Cents, 20 21 ; Turkish Stocks have been chiefly dealt in, and finally close for the Old Six per Cents, 76 77 ; and for the New, 65 66 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 108 105; Ditto Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 88 90 ; Ditto Three per Cents, 77 79; Peruvian Four-and-a-Half per Cents, 91 92; Ditto Three per Cents, 70 71 ; Venezuela, 271 281 ; Granada, 16 17 ; Austrian, 76 78 ; Sardinian, 861 871 ; Victor Emmanuel, 94 95; Portuguese, 45 46; Spanish, 44 4.5. Money in this market has been easy. Railway Shares have been firm all the week, and exhibit an average im- provement of I per cent ; Midland about 1 per cent. There has, however, been very little business passing, and the Markets seen quite deserted. Chester and Holyhead leaves off, 48 49; Berwick, 91.1 921North British,
591 59/ ; London and South-Western, 94f 951; London andNorth-Western,
951 951; Lancashire and Yorkshire 971 971' Midland, 1051 1061; Cale- donian, 91 911; Great Northern, 102 103; 'London and Brighton, 1121 1131 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 36. The better tone of the Railway Market is principally owing to the increase shown in the traffic re- turns of the week. The Great Northern shows an increase of 26461., the London and North-Western, 8114/. ; Great Western, 24711.; Leeds, 4060/. ; Dover, 18034 ; Brighton, 985/. ; London and South-Western, 1986/. ; and Mitiireitd,.25161. The Indian Market is firm. The 1,600,0001. debentures have been well taken up and the Market strengthened in the eyes of the in- resters. Madras, 96 97' Great Indian Peninsula, 971 98 ; East Indian, 100j 1011 ; Bombay and Baroda, 95 96. The French Market shows no alteration whatever. Business, from want of confidence, is at a perfect stand- still. Paris and Lyons, 351351; Lombardo-Venetian, 11 2 prem. ; Northern of France, 371 38. SATURDAY., TWELVE O'CLOCK.
There is a much better tone in the several markets this morning, owing chiefly to the favourable character of the Bank Return. Railway, Shares steady at a slight advance. Mexican, 22 221. Consols opened 961 961, but are now 961 buyers.