Sta.—As a schoolboy over 60 years ago I went to see a Lancashire v. Gloucester cricket match at Old Trafford with Dr. W. G. Grace captaining the visiting team.
One of his side was given out lbw by the umpire, whereupon the Doctor stalked out of the pavilion on to the pitch calling out as he came in his high piping voice, "E's not out, 'e's not out, I shan't 'ave it, I shan't 'ave it, and proceeded to argue the point with the umpire.
What the result was I do not remember but I do remember that, as implicit compliance with the umpire's decision had always been impressed upon us at school, I was deeply shocked by the incident and in fact I cannot be quite sure that I have yet quite recovered. —Yours faithfully,
9 Park Hill Road, Hale, Alt:it:chain