There can be few greater combinations than those of classic, bottle-matured Port and the finest English Blue Stilton Cheese when both are in peak condition.
The Spectator Port & Stilton case delivers both of these, packed in an exclusive Spectator wooden box. Each case contains 1 bottle of Dow's Crusted Port and a 21/2 lb round of Blue Stilton.
Dow's is one of the most respected names in the Port trade. Founded in 1798, it is still a family owned business to this day. Renowned for its Vintage Port, Dow's is also famous for its Crusted Port which possesses many of the same qualities.
On tasting Dow's Crusted Port, Auberon Waugh made the following note ". . . slightly sweeter than one would expect from Dow at the first opening, it had the amazing quality of actually improving in the decanter ... big, pleasing wine, with good length".
Dow's Crusted Port is bottled totally unfil- tered after 3 years' cask ageing, continues to mature in bottle and throws a heavy 'crust' or deposit. Therefore it needs careful decanting, exactly like Vintage Port.
The Blue Stilton in the Spectator case is rich, creamy and mellow and being 'on the rind' will keep for weeks when stored at a cool tem- perature. VALUE PLEASE SEND: Spectator Port & Stilton Case Courier delivery charge (per unit)
(UK mainland only)
PRICE £ 27.14 £ 5.45 No.
Total =£ All packs will be despatched week commencing 12th December 1994.
I enclose a cheque/PO for £ payable to The Spectator Wine Club"
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Tel: Tel: Please post this coupon together with payment to: The County Company, 3 Mill Race Lane, Stourbridgc, West Midlands, DY8 DN
Tel: 0384 441575 Fax: 0384 372726 This offer, which is subject to availability, closes on 9 December 1994
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