We copied last week from the Times an account of
the impri- sonment, by the Government of Louis PHILIP, of a M. BUONA.- ROTTI, calling himself Marquis of CANOSSA, with some pungent remarks upon the proceeding by the same journal. The Times has since been credibly informed, that M. Buorcutorrt is by no means entitled to any great share of public sympathy ; and that he has no pretensions to his Marquisate, or to being the last de- scendant of MICHAEL ANGELO. He is in fact an incorrigible meddler in politics, who is constantly getting into difficulty : he was concerned in some of the worst scenes of the French Revolu- tion; and has been only suffered to go at large under the impres- sion that he is partly deranged. His offence is said not to be of that description which can subject him to any severe punishment; and the letter of his advocate, Dr. PRATT, is pronounced to be little better than an attempt at swindling.