marked the The absence of demand, and the 1;1 eperatioes
01' the Manehester market duri• ,- three weeks,
CO:AN:LW 1111:1Ii■iilqi, mind the prices both or
dually to deeline. To yarn generally there r to id. per pound, awl printing. eletite • to':'' lower than on that day i.veek. Under 's
readily supposed that the working of -le . :eine tmeundvi:14, and. unless there swine( in,' ,•, t, L . L ,t lit.. S1* weeks, (which, from ii 1.111. l■r0.•,!111 aspect of the -market. kit not seem. -very probeble.) it will no doubt become 8,:ieral throughout the dit- inet.—Mfrochevicr (.11erehen or edo,day.
The markets at Rochdale on M,milay an 1 at Iluddsrstleld on Tues- day, are said to have been the worst expesieueed for immy months. Last week, a meeting was held am Liverpool for the purrs.a of form-
big a company to undertake to make a tunnel under the Alersey, to connect Liverpool with the Cheshire side of the river. Mr. St eveuson, Mr. Vignoles, and other eminent engineers, deelared the undertaking practicable.
London newspapers are now reeeived in Liverpool, by the railway, at four o'clock on the day of publieetion.
The Menai Bridge is now melereolmr a eoniplet0 repair from the damage it sustained by the memorabie et,e-m Jhumary last. We un- derstand that Government buts Lrened s,te sq. towards the repairs.--= Catidirven Arnaud.
Parts of the wreck of time Boyal tees now C.`klIiIMAly le-owe-lit ashore; but the articles and porti,11:, of the vessel reeevered, appear as yet to be of little value.
We understand that Colonel Angelo re-de .1 1,1s eimmion as Com-
missioner of the Bolton Police on imeount tO i.s itHeimed t.) him by Government that his half- pa■ oubl be \vitiate!. its 1.e con- tinued to hold ii oat