The Globe this -week announce". that the Earl of Clarendon is to be Lord Privy Seal with a seat in the Cabinet ; that Mr. Henry Tuffnell, Private Secretau to Lord Mintu, is to be the new Lord of the Treasury, and candidate to succeed Sir Edward Codrington at Devonport; and that a son of Dr. Roney, of Dublin, is appoiuted Secretary to Mr. More O'Ferrall.
The Morning Post mentions a very improbalde report, that Mr. Thalia, who accompanied Lord Durham to Canada, is to be the new Judge in the room of the late Mr. Justice Vaughan. Mr. Sergeant Talfourd is also talked of for the Judgeship.
Tuesday's Gazette announces that Mr. Timmy Southern, First Attaelul to the Legation at Madrid, has been appointed Secretary of Legation at Lisbon.