The following correspondence lee ween the Ilishep of Exeter and
Lord John Russell. is taken from the Preffice to the tenth edition of a pamphlet entitled " Recent Meaeurss for the Promotion of Education in England," which pamphlet was published under tine authority of the.
Committee of Privy Council for FAucation. The first part of the Preface merely explains and corrects certain passages in previous editions of the pamphlet, which the Bishop of Exeter complained of as misrepresenting some of his remarks in the House of Lords ; but the letters suquined are important, as they exhibit the Bishop of Exeter (Dr. Phillputts) as sanctioning the principle of the Education scheme.
" Buckharst, 15M October 1339. Mr Lord—I have had the honour of receiving your Lordship's letter of the 10th instant. It certainly appears to me that the writer of the pamphlet has mistakeu your LordshiVs meeeing He was probably misled by some incorrect report ia less-paper,e
the Lespapers of h:et took place in the House of Lords. I will talse car: to inipend Or the pr, cat any distrileition of the pamphlet by the Commit zee a Privy Council. " 1 ain mush ehliectl to your Lordship for tile COpy of your Lordship's speech. delivt. red ie the House a 1r,ls upon the 5th or Jolt of the present year—a speech marked lit the al Tit which dist'.a.ottishes ail tbat proceeds from your Ltusiship. But I (wood but obierte. th:it there ore :ionic miscon- ceptions of the destgn of tbe me!obers of the Committee rpti-o as extraor- dinary as that which your 1,ord-hip has pointed out in the paniph!et. But I will not oceupy your .11.ordihip:, time upon this subject, engaged as yon now are in the hessirs of' y our tii■•■•:!.;.. 11 will therefore content myself with saying, that it ds.4 been the mnin "hje,t of tlio Committee to extend and en-
courage ths r, instroctam 4,f the people; but that, while they have endeavour, le e on the hts...,%:.•tion of the children of Chteehmea in the
doctrines of II s- Church of Eoglaed. they have !lot C011eViVi.,1 themselves austewd. in we • !salineall public ill the the tests:mean of those children of the poor e Lest [Lessens eeeseketerisly (Neer te allow their children to be taught the I Co;-echism, or to he compelled, rei the price or their instruc- tion, to nr- •••I'vice in iiny other than their own places of worship. “11,10, &e. J. usseete" :lei:: et ee EN1-1 ' ' Ti) LORD JOHN nesseer.
"My Tao '.dip to accept my thanks for the letter of the roe, s ia hi• ' ' henour of receiving. The conclusion,
of tl,a; • as it slimes tint proctic.,1 I'. ii"! ,t 0'- 'bill.
Mate to r dissent ft...., ,• • : loic,! tto
all pubti, L", , r ,r, I/O
COliSeioeliovoly • .
or 17, 011ter ("tun the L , the purr ;
Lords1.1,.•- c Church that ;,. lax Of • • recouelh:J.
"The nounced tot pad:. entitled, ' Reece:: es.
and has deal; e i;-
the passages re..1 by nu. 1..2. I NVIciell I COWI,it haled. In troth, s; herd— ; circulation of a dece.seet wh c it I.
aUthOeititti Vely, rolls-ire the have thought it ley teee t:, yeses.
"it 'tilli..:es . • e, s; which I has tee:, tie , will, I an the leth, to s Leh I :. , •
others, .
" I have the to h-;, L ,y- , I sletel.' ree ! • • to s. • ilaoitated oI the Pr:vy Coono:1 bleat:ion and 1ilC.1 'Il"i t ic trry into vIreet your and at Ile. folic to give to the heifer the fit guardian and adolinistratrix tar Lordship's principle can so wen be
to my clergy, and which has been an- .- punpldet sent forth by the Committee, -.notion of Public Education iti England,' • athorized by the Committee. Not only but also a longer one prepared by me, in will make part of the eharge when pub- perceive that the mere suspension of the already been diseeieed so widely and so e ssity of such comment as I otherwise p'..•asure to publish the correspondence '. your Lordship, it. nut Appendix. It that part ut oor Lerdship's letter of erred) with tie, hielast etitisfactien by . than mime your Lordship's must obedient servant.
"It. Exszr.n."