For the last fortnight. Pisa has thrown aside the wonted
sombreness of its character, and donned a little of ho ancient life and. anhuation. The Scientific Congress el Italy is now assembled here ; and snore than 300 professors and savans have already arrived ; of wheel, however, only 100 are Indians. 3Iany more are expected. and the novelty of the scene has attracted more limn 2.000 at rangers within oer walls. As yet, our learned men have ocenpied themselves only with preliminary matters, being desirous to await the arrival at' certain " great guns" be- fore proceeding to the more serious part of their basiness. Next year
C"ri;ri;st, the Congress is to be held at Turin.--b tier f; ion Viva. in the The inauguration of an equestrian statue of Maximilian the Elector of Bavaria, at Munich, took place on the 12th instant, with great solemnity, in presence of the King. When the monument, which is finely executed, was uncovered. M. Abel. the Minister of' the Interior, delivered an appropriate oration ; at the conclusion of which the King said, " We are nosy paying a debt which has been due from Bavaria for nearly two centuries."
The celebrated speculator M. Oavrard is now in Belgium, whither he is said to have repaired for some grand commercial or umuufiketuring scheme.
• We have received the first and second numbers of L'Atni du Pairle, a paper published at Athens, in the French language. A Greek ver- *ion of the paper is also published. The politics are " Constitutional," sad the articles we have looked at are written -with spirit and freedom,— too much freedom for the Government at Athens, it would seem ; for it appears from the second number that the first was seized by the police. From the tone in which this act of the Government is com- mented on, we think it highly probable that the third number would announce the seizure of the second. The editor of the And du Peuple as sentenced to three months' imprisonment, and a fine of 150 drachmas.