A country correspondent informs us that an express, with despatches
from Sir Robert Peel, arrived at Powis Castle, the seat of Earl Powis, between two and three o'clock on Tuesday morning ; that another ex- press from the same high quarter arrived at Powis Castle at six o'clock -on Wednesday evening ; and that a reply to both expresses was imme • iately despatched to London by the noble Earl. The quidnuncs in the -country are represented to be full of conjectures as to the subject- matter of this correspondence; but the general belief is that the Lord- 'Lieutenancy of' Ireland has been offered to Earl Powis.—Times.
We understand that her Majesty has been graciously pleased to con- .fer the Garter vacant by the death of the late Duke of Grafton upon the Earl of Powis.—Standard.