The forgery of Bank of England notes which we mentioned
yester- day is expected to create a great excitement on the Continent. A fraud of the kind on so large a scale has probably never been known in the European cities ; and it is not unlikely that during the panic a great many notes may be sent over here to be cashed.—Times. At the Central Criminal Court, yesterday, James Carruthers was con- victed of attempting to defraud the banking-firm of Coutts and Co. He sent them letters pretending to disclose a conspiracy, in which he was concerned, to rob and injure the firm, but offering to abandon it on pay- ment of 5001., 1001. down. Twice a boy was sent to meet him, with a parcel, at the Monument ; and at the second time he was arrested. Both the Jury and the prosecutors recommended him to mercy, on account of his youth, (he is only twenty years of age,) and his respectable con- nexions. Sentence was deferred.