The King of the French, with his Queen and other
members of his family, repaired from Eu, on Wednesday, to St. Cloud.
The Paris correspondent of the Times explains why the King has been unable to fulfil his intention of bestowing the insignia of the Le- gion of Honour on the Lord Mayor of London and other English functionaries— "At the termination of the war and the arrival of the coalesced Sovereigns in London, in 1814, so numerous were the applications for Foreign orders, that the British Government was obliged to adopt a prohibitive resolution, in order that Great Britain should not, like other countries that could be named, be in- undated with crosses, ribands, and other decorations. It was ordered, there- fore, and the rule has never been departed from, that no British subject should be authorized to wear any badge or distinction of any Foreign order whatever, unless in reward for some striking service rendered on a field of battle. This rule, you will see, prevents the accomplishment of a wish which a letter before me says was dear to the King's heart.'" [A. limitation not very creditable to the English Government, nor very accordant with present opinions.]