Ihnsis.—The coronation of the King of Prussia came off on
the 17th instant, amidst a stately ceremonial, the account of which it is impossible to condense. The King placed the crown on his own head, and then crowned the Queen. At the reception on the corona- tion platform the King uttered the following speech :
" By the Grace of God Prussia's Kings have worn the crown for 160 years. I am the first King who has ascended the throne since it has been surrounded by institutions adapted to the times. But mindful that the Crown comes only from God, I have by my corona.- tion at the holy altar manifested to Him that I have received it in all humility from His hands. The prayers of my people, I know, have been with me in this solemn act, that the blessing of the Almighty may rest upon my government. The love and attachment that have been testified to me since my ascent of the throne, and that now have just been manifested to me in so eminent a manner, are guarantees to me that I may reckon, under all circumstances, upon the fidelity of my people, and upon its submission (hingebung) and its readiness to make sacrifices. Confident in the same, I have been able to exempt my faithful .people from the ancient oath of hereditary allegiance and submission (Erbhuldigungs mud Uiderthauen-Eid). The gratifying proofs of that love and attachment lately given to me on the occasion of a momentous event (the Baden attempt) have confirmed that confidence: May God's providence long preserve the blessings of peace to our beloved native land! My brave army will protect it from dangers from without. From internal dangers Prussia will be preserved, for the throne of her Kings stands firm in its might and in its right, and if the unity between King and people, which has made Prussia great, endures, so shall we, may God grant it I be able to withstand, upon the path of sworn rights, the dangers of an agitated time and every threatening storm."