On the 19th inst., at Warnbam Court, Horsham, the wife of Sir J. Henry Pally, Bart., of a son.
On the 19th inst., in Dublin, the Lady Lurgan, of a daughter. On the 20th inst., the Lady Nigel Kennedy, of a daughter. On the 23rd inst., Lady Robert Cecil, of a son.
On the 80th September, at the parish church, Brighton, by the Rev. J. Fletcher, M.A., Rector of Dowlea. Salop, and Chaplain to the Earl of Huntingdon, assisted by the Rev. H. A. Wagner, Vicar of Brighton, Samuel Skey Burton, Esq., son of the late William Burton, Esq., and grandson of the late Sir Charles Burton, Bart., and the Hon. Lady Barton, of Pollerton, county Carlow, to Susan Bristowe, widow of Thomas Miller. Esq., of Leicester. On the 3rd inst., at St. George's, Hanover-square, by the Rev, Edmund Mortlock, HD., Dudley, Viscount Sandon, eldest son of the Earl of Harrowby, K.G., to the Lady Mary Frances Cecil, eldest daughter of the Marquis of Exeter, K.G., and the Marchioness of Exeter.
On the 16th inst., at Ochtertyre, Sir William Keith Murray, of Ochtertyre, Bart. On the 17th inst., at Lewisham, Kent, Theophilus Davies, Esq., aged 84. On the 21st inst., at Bath, Colonel Sir Claude Martin Wade, Kt, C.B., aged 67, much beloved and deeply lamented. On the 22nd inst., at the Moor-park, near Ludlow, Henry Augustus, youngest child of Sir William M Liman, Bart., and Lady Milman, aged 18 months. On the 22nd inst.. at Brighton, Robert Edward Eardley, eldest son of Sir Henry S. Wilmot, Bart, of Chaddesden, Derbyshire, aged 31.